Ursache & Wirkung

Ursache & Wirkung
"Wer die Ursache nicht kennt, nennt die Wirkung Zufall" Werner Mitsch

Freitag, 21. Februar 2014

Die Pflichten der US-Militia laut der US-Verfassung


Nach dieser kurzen Einweisung, sollte Ersichtlich sein warum die Washingtoner Kabale mit allen erdenklichen Mittel der Propaganda versucht gegen den privaten Besitz von Waffen bei US-Bürger vorgeht.

Solange der Bürger sich gegen die Omnipotenz des Staates wehren kann, ist der Bürger absolut sicher vor jeder Tyrannei. Und die Lügen, dass der Staat für die Sicherheit der Bürger sorgen täte verpuffen ins Nichts.
Sapere Aude!

...die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen

"Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist." Edward Bernays "Propaganda"

Einfache DEFINITION von:

"Propaganda bezeichnet einen absichtlichen und systematischen Versuch, Sichtweisen zu formen, Erkenntnisse zu manipulieren und Verhalten zum Zwecke der Erzeugung einer vom Propagandisten erwünschten Reaktion zu steuern." Wikipedia

Gehirnwäsche (Brainwash):
"Gehirnwäsche ist ein Konzept zu sogenannter psychologischer Manipulation." Wikipedia

"...bedeutet im eigentlichen Sinne „Handhabung“ und wird in der Technik auch so verwendet. Darüber hinaus ist Manipulation auch ein Begriff aus der Psychologie,Soziologie und Politik und bedeutet die gezielte und verdeckte Einflussnahme, also sämtliche Prozesse, welche auf eine Steuerung des Erlebens und Verhaltens von Einzelnen und Gruppen zielen und diesen verborgen bleiben sollen (Camouflage, Propaganda)." Wikipedia

Strategie der Spannung:
"...ist ein Oberbegriff für einen Komplex aus verdeckten Maßnahmen zur Destabilisierung oder Verunsicherung von Bevölkerungsteilen, einer Region oder eines Staates, ausgeführt oder gefördert durch staatliche Organe." Wikipedia

 Nun zu Behaupten, dass diese Vorgänge real bei uns in der sogenannten Demokratie oder der freien westlichen Gesellschaft nicht angewendet würden, ist mit Verlaub eine naive, "gut-menschliche" Verblödung.

Dank Eric Holder haben wir eine deutliche Aussage bezüglich der Motive zu den sogenannten "Schul-Schießereien" und deren Zweck "to brainwash the youth and adults...to think about guns in a different way..." E. Holder
Diese Aufnahme wurde 1995 aufgenommen zu der Zeit war Holder Bundesstaatsanwalt für Washington DC, unter Bill Clinton. Interessanterweise sollte erwähnt werden, das Präsident Bill Clinton (Rhodes Scholar / CFR Mitglied) ihn persönlich 1993 in dieses Amt berufen hatte. Des Weiteren nominierte Bill Clinton ihn 1997 als stellvertretenden Generalbundesanwalt der Vereinigten Staaten.
("2001 wechselte Holder in die Privatwirtschaft, wo er bis 2009 in Washington D.C. für die renommierte Anwaltskanzlei Covington & Burling tätig war. Covington & Burling hat u.a. aus der Finanzwelt einflussreiche Kunden wie Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Deutsche Bank, XE Sevices aka Black Water, Haliburton, General Electrics, Apple usw..." Wikipedia)

Und "prombt" findet 1999 zum erstenmal ein Schul-Amok statt, dass legendäre traumatische Columbine School Massaker. Zufall?
Ab diesem Zeitpunkt ist das Thema in den Nachrichten "privater Waffenbesitz" in den USA und auch hier in Deutschland bis heute Top-Thema.
Und "prombt" passiert 2002 das undenkbare auch bei uns in Deutschland der "Amoklauf von Erfurt". Und auf einmal bekam der Begriff "Schützenverein" einen schalen Nachgeschmack...Zufall?

Das Konditionieren der Massen erfolgt nicht übernacht, im Gegenteil peu a peu durch subtil wiederholenden traumatischen Ereignisse und der medialen dauer wiedergabe durch die weisungsgebundenen Presse werden die Menschen trainiert eine Sichtweise sich anzueignen von der sie bis dato überhaupt keine Meinung hatten.
Und jetzt 15 Jahre später reagiert die Masse wie ein abgerichteter pawlowischer Hund beim Glöckchen läuten, ihm rennt der Speichel aus dem Munde.

Natürlich wird diese Konditionierung und die dadurch gezielte Steuerung des Verhaltens der Massen auf andere Bereiche angewandt, zum Beispiel das zweit beliebteste Thema der weisungsgebundenen Presse den sogenannten und immerwährenden "Terrorismus" und "Kinderpornographie".

Somit meine Empfehlung wenn ein PROBLEM erfolgt, bitte nicht darauf REAGIEREN, dann können die Macher ihre LÖSUNG sich in den Arsch stecken. 

Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014

"FUCK the E.U." oder wie mit Keksen Meinungen gebildet werden


So Herrschaften wer noch meint die EU/NATO Fraktion in der Ukraine, wäre eine natürlich gewachsene Bewegung, sollte bitte nochmals seine Hausaufgaben machen.
Ähnlichkeiten zu "Regime Change" in Südamerika, Iran oder Syrien sind bedauerlicherweise gegeben.
Das britische Imperium eroberte wenigsten offiziel seine Kolonien, die USA ist da schlauer Clandestine Operationen und dem Manufacturing Consent (Walter Lippmann) erledigen was zuvor eine Armee erledigt hätte 

Gefunden im Guardian... so'n Zufall aber auch

Nun, wie der Zufall es so will muss man nicht immer in die Bücherei oder teure antiquare Bücher nachjagen, manche Dinge werden doch der Öffentlichkeit preisgeben. Natürlich würde solch ein Artikel in der Deutschen Presselandschaft nicht zu finden sein, da aus US-Hörigkeit nicht geschrieben, bzw. gar nicht wissend da nicht gelehrt.
Somit wer wirklich meint Hitler wäre eine zufällige böse deutsche Erscheinung, nun möge er weiter Träumen.  


How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president.
 George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty.
Remarkably, little of Bush's dealings with Germany has received public scrutiny, partly because of the secret status of the documentation involving him. But now the multibillion dollar legal action for damages by two Holocaust survivors against the Bush family, and the imminent publication of three books on the subject are threatening to make Prescott Bush's business history an uncomfortable issue for his grandson, George W, as he seeks re-election.
While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen's US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.

Bush was also on the board of at least one of the companies that formed part of a multinational network of front companies to allow Thyssen to move assets around the world.
Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and grew rich from Hitler's efforts to re-arm between the two world wars. One of the pillars in Thyssen's international corporate web, UBC, worked exclusively for, and was owned by, a Thyssen-controlled bank in the Netherlands. More tantalising are Bush's links to the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC), based in mineral rich Silesia on the German-Polish border. During the war, the company made use of Nazi slave labour from the concentration camps, including Auschwitz. The ownership of CSSC changed hands several times in the 1930s, but documents from the US National Archive declassified last year link Bush to CSSC, although it is not clear if he and UBC were still involved in the company when Thyssen's American assets were seized in 1942.
Three sets of archives spell out Prescott Bush's involvement. All three are readily available, thanks to the efficient US archive system and a helpful and dedicated staff at both the Library of Congress in Washington and the National Archives at the University of Maryland.
The first set of files, the Harriman papers in the Library of Congress, show that Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder of a number of companies involved with Thyssen.
The second set of papers, which are in the National Archives, are contained in vesting order number 248 which records the seizure of the company assets. What these files show is that on October 20 1942 the alien property custodian seized the assets of the UBC, of which Prescott Bush was a director. Having gone through the books of the bank, further seizures were made against two affiliates, the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. By November, the Silesian-American Company, another of Prescott Bush's ventures, had also been seized.
The third set of documents, also at the National Archives, are contained in the files on IG Farben, who was prosecuted for war crimes.
A report issued by the Office of Alien Property Custodian in 1942 stated of the companies that "since 1939, these (steel and mining) properties have been in possession of and have been operated by the German government and have undoubtedly been of considerable assistance to that country's war effort".
Prescott Bush, a 6ft 4in charmer with a rich singing voice, was the founder of the Bush political dynasty and was once considered a potential presidential candidate himself. Like his son, George, and grandson, George W, he went to Yale where he was, again like his descendants, a member of the secretive and influential Skull and Bones student society. He was an artillery captain in the first world war and married Dorothy Walker, the daughter of George Herbert Walker, in 1921.
In 1924, his father-in-law, a well-known St Louis investment banker, helped set him up in business in New York with Averill Harriman, the wealthy son of railroad magnate E H Harriman in New York, who had gone into banking.
One of the first jobs Walker gave Bush was to manage UBC. Bush was a founding member of the bank and the incorporation documents, which list him as one of seven directors, show he owned one share in UBC worth $125.
The bank was set up by Harriman and Bush's father-in-law to provide a US bank for the Thyssens, Germany's most powerful industrial family.
August Thyssen, the founder of the dynasty had been a major contributor to Germany's first world war effort and in the 1920s, he and his sons Fritz and Heinrich established a network of overseas banks and companies so their assets and money could be whisked offshore if threatened again.
By the time Fritz Thyssen inherited the business empire in 1926, Germany's economic recovery was faltering. After hearing Adolf Hitler speak, Thyssen became mesmerised by the young firebrand. He joined the Nazi party in December 1931 and admits backing Hitler in his autobiography, I Paid Hitler, when the National Socialists were still a radical fringe party. He stepped in several times to bail out the struggling party: in 1928 Thyssen had bought the Barlow Palace on Briennerstrasse, in Munich, which Hitler converted into the Brown House, the headquarters of the Nazi party. The money came from another Thyssen overseas institution, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvarrt in Rotterdam.
By the late 1930s, Brown Brothers Harriman, which claimed to be the world's largest private investment bank, and UBC had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, fuel, steel, coal and US treasury bonds to Germany, both feeding and financing Hitler's build-up to war.
Between 1931 and 1933 UBC bought more than $8m worth of gold, of which $3m was shipped abroad. According to documents seen by the Guardian, after UBC was set up it transferred $2m to BBH accounts and between 1924 and 1940 the assets of UBC hovered around $3m, dropping to $1m only on a few occasions.
In 1941, Thyssen fled Germany after falling out with Hitler but he was captured in France and detained for the remainder of the war.
There was nothing illegal in doing business with the Thyssens throughout the 1930s and many of America's best-known business names invested heavily in the German economic recovery. However, everything changed after Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Even then it could be argued that BBH was within its rights continuing business relations with the Thyssens until the end of 1941 as the US was still technically neutral until the attack on Pearl Harbor. The trouble started on July 30 1942 when the New York Herald-Tribune ran an article entitled "Hitler's Angel Has $3m in US Bank". UBC's huge gold purchases had raised suspicions that the bank was in fact a "secret nest egg" hidden in New York for Thyssen and other Nazi bigwigs. The Alien Property Commission (APC) launched an investigation.
There is no dispute over the fact that the US government seized a string of assets controlled by BBH - including UBC and SAC - in the autumn of 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy act. What is in dispute is if Harriman, Walker and Bush did more than own these companies on paper.
Erwin May, a treasury attache and officer for the department of investigation in the APC, was assigned to look into UBC's business. The first fact to emerge was that Roland Harriman, Prescott Bush and the other directors didn't actually own their shares in UBC but merely held them on behalf of Bank voor Handel. Strangely, no one seemed to know who owned the Rotterdam-based bank, including UBC's president.
May wrote in his report of August 16 1941: "Union Banking Corporation, incorporated August 4 1924, is wholly owned by the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. My investigation has produced no evidence as to the ownership of the Dutch bank. Mr Cornelis [sic] Lievense, president of UBC, claims no knowledge as to the ownership of the Bank voor Handel but believes it possible that Baron Heinrich Thyssen, brother of Fritz Thyssen, may own a substantial interest."
May cleared the bank of holding a golden nest egg for the Nazi leaders but went on to describe a network of companies spreading out from UBC across Europe, America and Canada, and how money from voor Handel travelled to these companies through UBC.
By September May had traced the origins of the non-American board members and found that Dutchman HJ Kouwenhoven - who met with Harriman in 1924 to set up UBC - had several other jobs: in addition to being the managing director of voor Handel he was also the director of the August Thyssen bank in Berlin and a director of Fritz Thyssen's Union Steel Works, the holding company that controlled Thyssen's steel and coal mine empire in Germany.
Within a few weeks, Homer Jones, the chief of the APC investigation and research division sent a memo to the executive committee of APC recommending the US government vest UBC and its assets. Jones named the directors of the bank in the memo, including Prescott Bush's name, and wrote: "Said stock is held by the above named individuals, however, solely as nominees for the Bank voor Handel, Rotterdam, Holland, which is owned by one or more of the Thyssen family, nationals of Germany and Hungary. The 4,000 shares hereinbefore set out are therefore beneficially owned and help for the interests of enemy nationals, and are vestible by the APC," according to the memo from the National Archives seen by the Guardian.

Jones recommended that the assets be liquidated for the benefit of the government, but instead UBC was maintained intact and eventually returned to the American shareholders after the war. Some claim that Bush sold his share in UBC after the war for $1.5m - a huge amount of money at the time - but there is no documentary evidence to support this claim. No further action was ever taken nor was the investigation continued, despite the fact UBC was caught red-handed operating a American shell company for the Thyssen family eight months after America had entered the war and that this was the bank that had partly financed Hitler's rise to power.
The most tantalising part of the story remains shrouded in mystery: the connection, if any, between Prescott Bush, Thyssen, Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC) and Auschwitz.
Thyssen's partner in United Steel Works, which had coal mines and steel plants across the region, was Friedrich Flick, another steel magnate who also owned part of IG Farben, the powerful German chemical company.
Flick's plants in Poland made heavy use of slave labour from the concentration camps in Poland. According to a New York Times article published in March 18 1934 Flick owned two-thirds of CSSC while "American interests" held the rest.
The US National Archive documents show that BBH's involvement with CSSC was more than simply holding the shares in the mid-1930s. Bush's friend and fellow "bonesman" Knight Woolley, another partner at BBH, wrote to Averill Harriman in January 1933 warning of problems with CSSC after the Poles started their drive to nationalise the plant. "The Consolidated Silesian Steel Company situation has become increasingly complicated, and I have accordingly brought in Sullivan and Cromwell, in order to be sure that our interests are protected," wrote Knight. "After studying the situation Foster Dulles is insisting that their man in Berlin get into the picture and obtain the information which the directors here should have. You will recall that Foster is a director and he is particularly anxious to be certain that there is no liability attaching to the American directors."
But the ownership of the CSSC between 1939 when the Germans invaded Poland and 1942 when the US government vested UBC and SAC is not clear.
"SAC held coal mines and definitely owned CSSC between 1934 and 1935, but when SAC was vested there was no trace of CSSC. All concrete evidence of its ownership disappears after 1935 and there are only a few traces in 1938 and 1939," says Eva Schweitzer, the journalist and author whose book, America and the Holocaust, is published next month.
Silesia was quickly made part of the German Reich after the invasion, but while Polish factories were seized by the Nazis, those belonging to the still neutral Americans (and some other nationals) were treated more carefully as Hitler was still hoping to persuade the US to at least sit out the war as a neutral country. Schweitzer says American interests were dealt with on a case-by-case basis. The Nazis bought some out, but not others.
The two Holocaust survivors suing the US government and the Bush family for a total of $40bn in compensation claim both materially benefited from Auschwitz slave labour during the second world war.
Kurt Julius Goldstein, 87, and Peter Gingold, 85, began a class action in America in 2001, but the case was thrown out by Judge Rosemary Collier on the grounds that the government cannot be held liable under the principle of "state sovereignty".
Jan Lissmann, one of the lawyers for the survivors, said: "President Bush withdrew President Bill Clinton's signature from the treaty [that founded the court] not only to protect Americans, but also to protect himself and his family."
Lissmann argues that genocide-related cases are covered by international law, which does hold governments accountable for their actions. He claims the ruling was invalid as no hearing took place.
In their claims, Mr Goldstein and Mr Gingold, honorary chairman of the League of Anti-fascists, suggest the Americans were aware of what was happening at Auschwitz and should have bombed the camp.
The lawyers also filed a motion in The Hague asking for an opinion on whether state sovereignty is a valid reason for refusing to hear their case. A ruling is expected within a month.
The petition to The Hague states: "From April 1944 on, the American Air Force could have destroyed the camp with air raids, as well as the railway bridges and railway lines from Hungary to Auschwitz. The murder of about 400,000 Hungarian Holocaust victims could have been prevented."
The case is built around a January 22 1944 executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt calling on the government to take all measures to rescue the European Jews. The lawyers claim the order was ignored because of pressure brought by a group of big American companies, including BBH, where Prescott Bush was a director.
Lissmann said: "If we have a positive ruling from the court it will cause [president] Bush huge problems and make him personally liable to pay compensation."
The US government and the Bush family deny all the claims against them.
In addition to Eva Schweitzer's book, two other books are about to be published that raise the subject of Prescott Bush's business history. The author of the second book, to be published next year, John Loftus, is a former US attorney who prosecuted Nazi war criminals in the 70s. Now living in St Petersburg, Florida and earning his living as a security commentator for Fox News and ABC radio, Loftus is working on a novel which uses some of the material he has uncovered on Bush. Loftus stressed that what Prescott Bush was involved in was just what many other American and British businessmen were doing at the time.
"You can't blame Bush for what his grandfather did any more than you can blame Jack Kennedy for what his father did - bought Nazi stocks - but what is important is the cover-up, how it could have gone on so successfully for half a century, and does that have implications for us today?" he said.
"This was the mechanism by which Hitler was funded to come to power, this was the mechanism by which the Third Reich's defence industry was re-armed, this was the mechanism by which Nazi profits were repatriated back to the American owners, this was the mechanism by which investigations into the financial laundering of the Third Reich were blunted," said Loftus, who is vice-chairman of the Holocaust Museum in St Petersburg.
"The Union Banking Corporation was a holding company for the Nazis, for Fritz Thyssen," said Loftus. "At various times, the Bush family has tried to spin it, saying they were owned by a Dutch bank and it wasn't until the Nazis took over Holland that they realised that now the Nazis controlled the apparent company and that is why the Bush supporters claim when the war was over they got their money back. Both the American treasury investigations and the intelligence investigations in Europe completely bely that, it's absolute horseshit. They always knew who the ultimate beneficiaries were."
"There is no one left alive who could be prosecuted but they did get away with it," said Loftus. "As a former federal prosecutor, I would make a case for Prescott Bush, his father-in-law (George Walker) and Averill Harriman [to be prosecuted] for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They remained on the boards of these companies knowing that they were of financial benefit to the nation of Germany."
Loftus said Prescott Bush must have been aware of what was happening in Germany at the time. "My take on him was that he was a not terribly successful in-law who did what Herbert Walker told him to. Walker and Harriman were the two evil geniuses, they didn't care about the Nazis any more than they cared about their investments with the Bolsheviks."
What is also at issue is how much money Bush made from his involvement. His supporters suggest that he had one token share. Loftus disputes this, citing sources in "the banking and intelligence communities" and suggesting that the Bush family, through George Herbert Walker and Prescott, got $1.5m out of the involvement. There is, however, no paper trail to this sum.
The third person going into print on the subject is John Buchanan, 54, a Miami-based magazine journalist who started examining the files while working on a screenplay. Last year, Buchanan published his findings in the venerable but small-circulation New Hampshire Gazette under the headline "Documents in National Archives Prove George Bush's Grandfather Traded With the Nazis - Even After Pearl Harbor". He expands on this in his book to be published next month - Fixing America: Breaking the Stranglehold of Corporate Rule, Big Media and the Religious Right.
In the article, Buchanan, who has worked mainly in the trade and music press with a spell as a muckraking reporter in Miami, claimed that "the essential facts have appeared on the internet and in relatively obscure books but were dismissed by the media and Bush family as undocumented diatribes".
Buchanan suffers from hypermania, a form of manic depression, and when he found himself rebuffed in his initial efforts to interest the media, he responded with a series of threats against the journalists and media outlets that had spurned him. The threats, contained in e-mails, suggested that he would expose the journalists as "traitors to the truth".
Unsurprisingly, he soon had difficulty getting his calls returned. Most seriously, he faced aggravated stalking charges in Miami, in connection with a man with whom he had fallen out over the best way to publicise his findings. The charges were dropped last month.

Buchanan said he regretted his behaviour had damaged his credibility but his main aim was to secure publicity for the story. Both Loftus and Schweitzer say Buchanan has come up with previously undisclosed documentation.
The Bush family have largely responded with no comment to any reference to Prescott Bush. Brown Brothers Harriman also declined to comment.
The Bush family recently approved a flattering biography of Prescott Bush entitled Duty, Honour, Country by Mickey Herskowitz. The publishers, Rutledge Hill Press, promised the book would "deal honestly with Prescott Bush's alleged business relationships with Nazi industrialists and other accusations".
In fact, the allegations are dealt with in less than two pages. The book refers to the Herald-Tribune story by saying that "a person of less established ethics would have panicked ... Bush and his partners at Brown Brothers Harriman informed the government regulators that the account, opened in the late 1930s, was 'an unpaid courtesy for a client' ... Prescott Bush acted quickly and openly on behalf of the firm, served well by a reputation that had never been compromised. He made available all records and all documents. Viewed six decades later in the era of serial corporate scandals and shattered careers, he received what can be viewed as the ultimate clean bill."
The Prescott Bush story has been condemned by both conservatives and some liberals as having nothing to do with the current president. It has also been suggested that Prescott Bush had little to do with Averill Harriman and that the two men opposed each other politically.
However, documents from the Harriman papers include a flattering wartime profile of Harriman in the New York Journal American and next to it in the files is a letter to the financial editor of that paper from Prescott Bush congratulating the paper for running the profile. He added that Harriman's "performance and his whole attitude has been a source of inspiration and pride to his partners and his friends".
The Anti-Defamation League in the US is supportive of Prescott Bush and the Bush family. In a statement last year they said that "rumours about the alleged Nazi 'ties' of the late Prescott Bush ... have circulated widely through the internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated ... Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathiser."
However, one of the country's oldest Jewish publications, the Jewish Advocate, has aired the controversy in detail.
More than 60 years after Prescott Bush came briefly under scrutiny at the time of a faraway war, his grandson is facing a different kind of scrutiny but one underpinned by the same perception that, for some people, war can be a profitable business.

Who's Killing The Bankers? - Winter 2014 Mystery Deaths


Hagmann & Hagmann

Was haben Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan & Chase, Russell Investments, American Title und Iron Mountain gemeinsam?

Sie sind Finanz-Institute oder haben mit Finanz-Instituten geschäftlich zu tun.

Und den Tod....

kürzester Zeit bringen sich 4 Bankiers von den oben genannten Institute
um bzw. sterben auf merkwürdigsteweise. Und 9 Menschen in Argentinien
sterben bei einem Brand in einem laut Hersteller unzerstörbaren


Wer noch über seinen
Verstand verfügt und seinen eigenen Augen noch traut weiß, dass das
Mindest-Reserve FIAT Geldsystem sich dem gewollten Ende neigt.

wie bei jeden Betrugsystem egal ob im Kleinen begangen oder Weltweit
mit seriösen Anstrich, müssen bestimmte unsichere Kandidaten beseitigt
werden, liegt an der Natur der Dinge. Und in den meisten Fällen, sind es
die, die über ein Wissen oder zu viel Wissen verfügen. Das Risiko, dass
das Wissen an die Öffentlichkeit geraten könnte und für Aufsehen sorgen
könnte ist größer als vereinzelte über Zeitungen verteilte

Natürlich um die Magie aufrecht
zuerhalten darf in den weisungsgebundenen Medien nicht direkt auf die
Gemeinsamkeiten hingewiesen werden bzw. Fragen zustellen. Wie z.B. das
es recht eigenartig ist, dass ein Finanzier mehrfach, wohlgemerkt
mehrfach sich mit einer hochdruck betriebenen Nagelpistole selbstmordet.
Oder die recht eigenwilligen Selbsttötungen, die aus psychologischer
Sicht unlogisch sind.

Unlogisch aus dem einfachen Grund, diese
geschulten Alpha-Männer kämen nie auf den emotionalen Gedanken Tod als
einen Ausweg für ihre Lösung des Problems anzunehmen.

ist auch der Brand in Argentinien, im ersten Augenblick könnte man
annehmen, dass hier eher keine Sicherheitsvorkehrungen getroffen wurden
und lässige Handlungsweisen zu diesem Brand führten. Aber auch hier
täuscht die Täuschung, denn dieser Archiv wurde von dem bekannten "Iron Mountain Incorporated ein von Herman Knaust 1951 gegründetes amerikanisches Unternehmen, das sich auf Dienstleistungen für das Informationsmanagement spezialisiert hat." Wikipedia geführt.

auf ihrer Webseite kann man unter "Aktenmangement und Archivierung"
nachlesen, "Moderne Feuerlöschanlagen mit gasförmigen Löschmitteln zum
Schutz von Akten und Datenträgern, ohne das Risiko von Wasserschäden."

Somit anzunehmen, dass dieser Brand eine normale oder banale Ursache hätte, wäre ein selten dämlicher Gedanke.

Sicherlich macht eine Schwalbe noch lange keinen Sommer, aber wie wir von FD Roosevelt wissen 

"In der Politik geschieht nichts zufällig. Wenn etwas geschieht, kann man sicher sein, dass es genau so geplant war."










A "Well-Regulated Militia" - What Does it REALLY Mean?


Der Vidder livingonplanetZ hat in 5min eine hervorragende analyse zur 2. Verfasungszusatz der US-Amerikanischen Verfassung gemacht.
So, und nicht anders wird ein Text analysiert.
Daher wenn einer wieder in den Medien Bullshit über die Waffenbesitzer und die pöse Militia vorliest, dann können die noch frei denken, die Verhaltensprogrammierung der Medienbesitzer ad hoc erkennen.

Sehen und begreifen!

Montag, 10. Februar 2014

Putin zur Ukraine

 Ein empfehlenswerter Artikel aus dem Neopress von Jürgen Aspitzsch

Kommentar: #fucktheEU | NEOPresse – Unabhängige Nachrichten

 Zur Wiederholung: Die interessante Aussage des russischen Präsidenten V. Putin
“…..Wir glauben, dass die Situation sich mit der Zeit normalisiert und dass am Ende die ukrainische Führung und das ukrainische Volk die nächsten Schritte in die nahe und fernere Zukunft selbst bestimmen werden.

Was die Vorgänge in der Ukraine betrifft, so erinnern mich diese weniger an eine Revolution als an ein Progrom.Und seltsamerweise hat das wenig zu tun mit den ukrainisch-europäischen Beziehungen. Wenn man genau hinschaut, so beschäftigt sich niemand mit den Entwürfen für diese Abkommen, keiner schaut sich diesbezüglich irgendetwas an oder hört sich irgendetwas an.
Die Leute sagen, dass dem ukrainischen Volk ein Traum gestohlen worden sei. Es ist ja gut zu träumen, aber wenn man sich die Inhalte der Abkommen anschaut, so werden viele zu ihren Lebzeiten ihren Traum nicht erleben, sie werden ihn niemals erfahren, weil die Bedingungen sehr hart sind.
Wie ich schon erwähnt habe, sind meiner Ansicht die Geschehnisse nicht direkt mit dem Abkommen zwischen der Ukraine und der Europäischen Union verknüpft. Es handelt sich um einen internen politischen Prozess, bei dem die Opposition die gegenwärtige – und ich betone – legitime Regierung destabilisieren will. Mehr noch, alles was dort jetzt passiert, ist keine Revolution, sondern ein gut organisierter Protest. Aus meiner Sicht sind die Ereignisse nicht für heute vorbereitet worden, sondern für den Präsidentenwahlkampf  im Frühjahr 2015. Was jetzt abgeht, ist nur ein kleiner Fehlstart, der bestimmten Umständen zugrunde liegt. Aber es ist auch eine Vorbereitung auf die Präsidentschaftswahlen. Die Tatsache, dass es sich um Vorbereitungsmaßnahmen handelt , ist für jeden objektiven Beobachter offensichtlich. Man braucht sich nur im Fernehen anzuschauen, wie die gut organisierten und ausgebildeten militanten Gruppen im Augenblick operieren. Das ist meine Einschätzung.
Lassen Sie mich das noch einmal deutlich wiederholen: Wie auch immer die Entscheidung des ukrainischen Volkes ausfallen mag, wir werden sie respektieren.”

Unabhängig von Putins Aussage, müsste jedem seit den sogenannten div Farben oder Blumen Revolutionen die Handschrift gewisser Schattenmächte ersichtlich sein. Ob Südamerika, Iran oder Ägypten das Muster ist stets gleich.

Mehr Fragen als Antworten: Sandy Hook (Hoax)


Vidder Stackpot
"This is a no nonsense video containing clips from new archives and from my own files that show beyond any reasonable doubt that the events of 12/14/12 in Newtown, CT were a drill and not a real shooting event, Anyone with the inclination can comb through hundreds of years of American crime reports and will not find an instance in the which the names, the ages or the sex of the victims is not given--with the exception of victims of sex crimes. Withholding this information is part of a pattern of deception and deceit that extends to the Clerk of Newtown making secret arrangements with the state legislature to avoid releasing death certificates to the public, attempts to withhold the 911 calls and gag orders imposed upon those responsible for tearing down the building itself. Thanks to the hard work and thorough research by by Vivian Lee, Sofia Smallstorm, James Tracy, Jim Fetzer and the Sandy Hook Research Group. I give credit where credit is due and I am using the text from the Memory Hole blog under the assumption that those good people would approve of my sharing this with as many people as possible, not the least of are my 900+ subscribers who, I know, want to see the best possible evidence in the way I try and present it. Not the usual bells and whistles, this video requires allot of reading and contemplation. Please share this video with your friends and neighbors. Go Full screen and pause if necessary, Watch it twice if needed to digest all of the information provided. Thanks, Stackpot Video. "

Updated January 14, 2014

Tatsache ist, der Vorfall in Sandy Hook CT wirft mehr Fragen auf, als Beantwortet werden. Die offiziellen Sprecher verwenden zwar viel Emotionalität jedoch wird bei direkten Fragen ausgewichen oder Pietät vorgeschoben. Des weiteren werden sogenannte Beweisphotos aus "respekt vor Gefühlen" nicht öffentlich gezeigt, nicht mal die Familien dürften ihr angeblich getöteten Kinder sehen und aus sicherheits Gründen werden polizeiliche Dokumente geschwärzt. Einmalig in der kriminal Geschichte der USA.
Wie gesagt der Vorfall wirft mehr Fragen auf, als beantwortet werden.   

Sonntag, 9. Februar 2014

Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up


US-Dokumentation mit Rosalind Peterson

Es ist schon verwunderlich, dass heute Menschen noch Zweifel haben ob tatsächlich das Wetter manipuliert wird oder nicht.
Alleine die Tatsache, dass ein militärischer Sieg oder Niederlage vom Wetter abhängen, sollte hier schon die Logik einem sagen, dass das Militär durchaus interesse hat das Wetter zu beeinflussen. Und wenn wir weiter logisch uns fortbewegen ist es nur logisisch, da das Militär von Kooperationen gehegt und unterstützt wird, dass diese ihre Erungenschaften, nicht nur mit dem Militär teilen wollen, sondern diese ihr Wissen für ihre Profite und Agenda einsetzen wollen.

Somit braucht man kein Raketen Wissenschaftler zu sein um 1+1 zu errechnen.

Bis vor kurzem war das original des Airforce Papiers "Owning the Weather in 2025" im Netz noch auffindbar, jedoch anscheinend durch zuviel Aufmerksamkeit jetzt aus dem WWW entfernt worden.
Natürlich wie jeder weis was einmal im Netz sich befindet, kann "leider" nicht gänzlich verschwinden.
Eine deutsche Übersetztung des "Owning the Weather in 2025" ist hier nach zulesen:
"Wetterkrieg durch US- und NATO-Streitkräfte? / Dt. Teilübersetzung des US-Berichtes: "Weather as a force multiplier: Owning the weather in 2025. Military applications of weather modification"

Leider begreifen viele nicht die gänzliche  katastrophalen Auswirkungen dieser Manipulation nicht.
Wenn ich das Wetter manipulieren kann, so kann ich auch die Nahrung kontrollieren.
Und wer die Nahrung kontrolliert, kann über Leben und Tod entscheiden.
Es geht hier um die Kausalitäten, die im ersten Augenblick nicht ersichtlich snd.
Die französische Revolution entstand durch die vorausgegangen schlechte Weizen Ernte. Diesen Umstand nutzten die englischen finaziers Agenten und flüsterten den französischen Staatssekretär der widerum den französischen König empfahl, er solle doch einfach "Geld" drucken, um somit die Wirtschaft ankurbeln.
Nun ja jedem ist der Ausgang dieser Planung bekannt.

Daher "Wetter" als was lapidares abzutun wäre sehr Nachlässig und nur im Sinne der Manipulatoren, die einerseits das Wetter zu einer religiösen Ideologie forcieren jedoch im gleichen Atemzug jede in Fragestellung und Widersprüchlichkeit des Mensch gemachten Wetter als Verschwörung beschreien.