Ursache & Wirkung

Ursache & Wirkung
"Wer die Ursache nicht kennt, nennt die Wirkung Zufall" Werner Mitsch

Montag, 29. Dezember 2014

Why Rockefellers aim at destroying farmers worldwide by Natural News

Why Rockefellers aim at destroying farmers worldwide

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/048126_industrialized_agriculture_Rockefellers_small_farmers.html#ixzz3NH40AfS9

(NaturalNews) (Story by William Engdahl, republished from Journal-NEO.org) For the better part of the past century, Western pop culture has systematically denigrated and devalued what should be the most honored profession of all. Those who labor with the land, day-in and day-out, to deliver the food that we eat have assumed a social status too often similar to the dirt of the soil they till. No one stops to ask a simple question: What do we do when we have killed off all our farmers?

Some of the more naive city-dwellers would retort with little reflection, "But we have industrialized food production; we don't need manual farm labor today."

Indeed, the numbers are impressive.

Let's take my homeland, the United States of America. In 1950, a time of general prosperity and strong economic growth, the total US population was 151,132,000 and the farm population was 25,058,000 making farmers just over 12% of the total labor force. There were 5,388,000 farms with an average size of about 87 hectares. Forty years later, in 1990, the year the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War ended, the USA had a total population of 261,423,000 of which the farm population numbered just under three million, 2,987,552, making farmers a mere 2.6% of the total labor force. The number of farms had shrunk to only 2,143,150, a loss of 60%, but because of industrial concentration, average size was 187 hectares.[1]

Rockefeller's Agribusiness Revolution

What we are told, those of us whose relation to meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables ends at the supermarket, is that this is a great progress, the liberation of almost 23 million farm workers to get city jobs and live a better life.

It isn't that simple.

We are not told the true effects on food quality that has been created by the mechanization and industrialization of food production in America since the Harvard Business School, on a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, began what they termed "agribusiness," the conversion of our food supply into a pure for-profit vertically integrated business modeled on the Rockefeller oil cartel.

The raising of hogs, dairy cows, beef cattle and chicken all became industrialized gradually after the 1950s in the USA. The baby chicks were confined to spaces so tiny they could barely stand. To make them get fat faster, the owners would pump them full of antibiotics and feed them a diet of GMO corn and soya meal. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States are for use on livestock and poultry, not humans. The majority are given to animals mixed in their food or water to speed growth. After all, time is money.

The traditional family farmer, of the sort my late grandfather was in North Dakota prior to the First World War, was driven largely from the land by USDA Government policy, policy that favored industrialization regardless of the quality of food nutrient that resulted. Tractors became computerized, mammoth machines driven by GPS. One such tractor could work remotely and do the work of many farmers of old.

The result was financially fabulous....for the industry owners--ADM, Cargill, Monsanto, for the packagers like Kraft Foods, Kelloggs, Nestle, Unilever, Toepfer, Maggi. The American Rockefeller-Harvard "agribusiness" business model was globalized, beginning with the GATT negotiations of the Uruguay Round of trade liberalization in the late 1980s where the EU dropped much of its traditional protection of domestic farmers in favor of free trade in agriculture products.

During the late 1980s as the Uruguay Round of GATT trade negotiations was about to give US agribusiness giants what they wanted--freedom to rape the EU and other protected agriculture markets with their highly efficient products, to destroy millions of EU farmers who had farmed with a passion for generations, I went to Brussels to make a background interview as a journalist with a high-level EU Commission bureaucrat responsible for agriculture. He was an apparently well-educated, multi-lingual bureaucrat, Danish-born as he noted. He argued in defense of free trade by declaring, "Why should I pay taxes from Denmark so that Bavarian farmers on their tiny plots of land can remain in business?"

The answer, which I kept to myself then, was simply because the traditional family farmer is uniquely suited to mediate with nature and us to produce food that is healthy for humans and animals to eat. No machine can replace the personal dedication or passion that I have seen again and again in every farmer I have met who truly cares about his livestock or crops.

Now the very same very rich and very loveless people, I call them the American Oligarchs, are systematically doing everything to destroy the human food quality. Clearly in my view, they are doing so with a goal of mass population reduction. There is no other reason the Rockefeller Foundation would spend hundreds of millions of (tax exempt) dollars to create GMO techniques, to support Monsanto and other chemical giants like DuPont, clearly knowing they are slowly poisoning the population to an early death.

Depressing pesticides

This has been demonstrated in independent tests regarding the toxic effects on animals and even human cells in an embryo. Now, independent even of GMO crops, new tests show that ordinary pesticide chemicals sprayed by farm workers or farmers on crops cause neurological damage--depression, Parkinsons' and even suicide--to the farmers or farm workers using the deadly chemicals.

The US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in their landmark Agricultural Health Study studied a group of 89,000 farmers and other pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. The mammoth study concluded that, "use of two pesticide classes, fumigants and organochlorine insecticides, and seven individual pesticides--the fumigants aluminum phosphide and ethylene dibromide; the phenoxy herbicide (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4,5-T); the organochlorine insecticide dieldrin; and the organophosphate insecticides diazinon, malathion, and parathion--were all positively associated with depression in each case group."[2]

The study showed that farmers with the highest number of lifetime exposure days to pesticides were 50 percent more likely to later have a depression diagnosis.[3]

The research linked long-term use of pesticides to higher rates of depression and suicide. Evidence also suggests that pesticide poisoning--a heavy dose in a short amount of time--doubles the risk of depression.

After suppressing the effects among farm families for years about the resulting depression and related neurological symptoms, farmers and their families have begun speaking out. Lorann Stallones, an epidemiologist and psychology professor at Colorado State University says, "There's been a shift--partly because there's more people talking about being mentally incapacitated."[3]

Epidemiologist Freya Kamel and her colleagues reported that among 19,000 studied, "those who used two classes of pesticides and seven individual pesticides were more likely to have been diagnosed with depression. Those who used organochlorine insecticides were up to 90 percent more likely to have been diagnosed with depression than those who hadn't used them. For fumigants, the increased risk was up to 80 percent."[3]

In France, farmers who used herbicides were nearly twice as likely to have been treated for depression as those who didn't use herbicides, according to a study published in 2013. The study of 567 French farmers found that the risk was even greater when the herbicide applicators[3] had been doing it for more than 19 years.

In short, we are destroying the nutritional value of the food we eat and slowly destroying the remaining farmers responsible for cultivating that. It is a recipe for the ultimate extinction of life on the planet as we know it. No, that is not an exaggeration.

I firmly believe that honest, nature-conscious organic farmers ought to receive significant tax breaks to encourage other farmers to leave the grotesque agribusiness model behind and return to growing or raising honest food again as they did only a few short decades ago. And severely high taxation ought to be imposed on farmers who use proven toxic chemicals like Roundup by Monsanto or the neonicotinoids like Bayer AG's Confidor, Gaucho or Advocate, or Poncho, or Syngenta's Actara, Platinum or Cruiser to name just the most sold.[4]

Right now our regulators in the EU and USA do everything to discourage that, something actually quite stupid, unless, of course, some loveless, power-addicted oligarchs sitting atop their mountain, looking contemptuously down on us normal folk, have decided that's just what they desire. If so, it's up to us to stop looking up to those on the mountain and look at what we ourselves have accepted as normal, that is slowly killing us and the farmers who feed us. Maybe the time has come to change that unhealthy situation.

Read more at Journal-NEO.org.


[1] https://www.agclassroom.org

[2] http://dx.doi.org

[3] http://www.scientificamerican.com

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org

Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2014

Activist Post: Sandy Hook, Hippie Communes, and US Homeland Security #news

Activist Post: Sandy Hook, Hippie Communes, and US Homeland Security #news

The ghost in the mashine... xD

Sandy Hook, Hippie Communes, and US Homeland Security

Prof. Jason Kissner

Activist Post

What follows either signifies next to nothing or something rather
unsettling. On June 3, 2014 someone writing by the name of “Duke
Reichert” contributed an article to the MemoryHole blog entitled “Gut Feeling: Something is Wrong with Newtown.”

[image, right: Former San Francisco State University professor and
spiritual guru Stephen Gaskin preaches to followers at his "Sandy Hook
Church of Christ" circa 1972 in Summertown, Tennessee. "It's easier to
be God than to see God," Gaskin proclaimed. Image Credit: remazcla.com]

In that piece, Reichert indicates, among many other things, that two
personages with ties to Sandy Hook—Jim Champion, brother of Nancy Lanza,
and a Dr. Alexander Isgot—each have histories that place them in the
very curious locale of Summertown, Tennessee.

Here, from the above-linked article, is Reichert:

…searches on Alexander Isgut and Police Officer James Champion- Nancy’s
brother- return ANOTHER common location. It seems that both Dr. Isgut
and Nancy’s brother (Champion) have past addresses in Summertown,
Tennessee. Summertown Tennessee? I had never heard of it. And, if you
haven’t that’s probably OK since most Tennesseans haven’t either.
Summertown, TN is what is known as “an intentional community” -
basically, a commune. To reside there, you must be brought in by a
member of the group, and the group votes and decides if you can stay.
The community does its own farming and in co-op style they attempt to
barter and trade goods and services when they can to keep to themselves
as much as possible.
A couple decades ago at the height of free love and flower children,
Summertown TN had over 2000 people – “members”. Today, it is barely
thriving at 800 with the last of the members hanging on to the good old
days. What on earth were Jim Champion and Dr. Isgut doing there? What
are their ties to a commune down south, and how do these threads all

While the present article offers no answers (directly, anyway) as to
why the two personages mentioned by Reichert were at Summertown, it does
bring to light some facts about Summertown that some might consider
most curious indeed.

Summertown may well have been and may still be a commune, but it also appears to have been tinged with intelligence-related activities
(to be discussed momentarily) and came complete with a charismatic
personality (a former professor from San Francisco State University by
the name of Stephen Gaskin) of the sort frequently associated with
cults (click here to see a picture of Gaskin, in an evidently inspired moment, regaling a Summertown/Sandy Hook Church of Christ flock).

You read that correctly: “Sandy Hook Church of Christ.” You will note
the caption at the bottom of the picture with considerable interest:

Stephen Gaskin, standing, explains his religious beliefs to gathering
of his followers and some of the congregation of Sandy Hook Church of
Christ at a joint meeting in Summertown, Tenn., in 1972. (AP)
You also read that correctly: the Sandy Hook Church of Christ, in Summertown, Tennessee of all places!

Regarding the items on the late Gaskin’s Summertown (and Sandy Hook
Church of Christ ?) agenda in the 1970s and quite probably thereafter,
at least “officially”, we have: No guns. No liquor. No synthetic
psychedelics. Don’t work at something you hate but work at something.
All for one, one for all, love thy neighbor, and meditate frequently. At
Sunday gatherings, Gaskin sermonized about the well-lived life,
presided over burials and performed marriages. Unions of two or three
couples were not unheard of, and Gaskin was for a time involved in a
marriage of six.

[The bus that took Gaskin and his followers from San Francisco's Haight-Asbury to Summertown in 1971. Image Credit: sfgate.com]

Whatever the nature of the Sandy Hook Church of Christ’s activities
really was in the 1970s and whatever its ties to Gaskin’s group, one
very well known global elitist took, for whatever reason, a rather
pronounced interest in Gaskin’s group. The elitist’s name? None other
than Vice President Al Gore, who at the time was a reporter for the
Tennessean (click here, if you can stomach it, for confirmation, and here for Gore’s 1972 article on Gaskin.)

Not to pile oddity upon oddity, but for some reason after some 42 years the Tennessean has just seen fit, on July 8, 2014 to be precise, to dredge the Gore article out of the archives. In any event, Gore’s piece begins:

SUMMERTOWN, Tenn. A barn decorated with oriental rugs and bleachers
made of straw has become the unlikely meeting ground between members of
Stephen Gaskin’s commune and a Church of Christ congregation.

Every Sunday afternoon and every Monday night for the past four weeks,
the minister of Sandy Hook Church of Christ has come with 30 to 40
members of his congregation and several other ministers to share “the
word of God” with Gaskin and the estimated 450 members of his commune
who live on a farm near here.

IT BEGAN as a brave attempt by the churchmen to …(unreadable line).
Overshadowing all the disagreements, the real importance of the debates
is that representatives of two groups of people who are mortal enemies
in many parts of America are learning to listen quietly to each other.

line) “save” the souls of those who came here seven months ago from
San Francisco to start a new life here in Lewis County. But it has
developed into a series of electric debates. Each side presents its
beliefs and then both sides hash out their disagreements. Unlike most
communities, the Gaskin group is committed to leading a religious life.
His followers look to him for spiritual guidance and he is more than
willing to give it to anyone who asks. Gaskin describes his group as a

TO THE SURPRISE of both sides, they found they share a lot of common
ground in the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden
Rule, the value of working hard and trying always to tell the truth –
and most important, a deep faith in God.

“I think it’s been profitable for all of us”, said Bobby Williams,
minister of Sandy Hook Church of Christ. “Our first impulse was to
associate them with Charles Manson and their first impulse was to
associate us with their unfavorable religious background.”

There have been some surprises on the other side, too. Gaskin, the
“Spiritual Leader” of the commune which is known simply as “The Farm”
said of all the persons he has debated in San Francisco and around the
country, “These Church of Christ folks are some of the toughest, a lot
tougher than the Hare Krishna people”.
In any event, Gaskin shepherded the “Farm”—the commune near
Summertown—for 43 years. During that time span, Gaskin seems to have
“evolved” considerably. For example, we have this rather startling
language from the LA Times article:

Businesses on The Farm include a publishing company and a firm that makes radiation detectors used by law enforcement agencies worldwide.
“Homeland Security’s been good to us,” Gaskin told the Times in 2004. “We’re high-tech hippies now.”
Did the stints of Champion and Isgut at Summertown coincide with DHS’s
interactions with the commune? Quite possibly; if so, I’m sure it’s
nothing more than a coincidence. As to the Sandy Hook Church of Christ
designation and that institution’s Summertown connections to Gaskin and
perhaps Champion, Isgut, DHS, and the manufacture of law enforcement
technology, I’m sure we have nothing other than more coincidences,
since there are probably tens of millions of Sandy Hook Churches of
Christ across the country—and Al Gore has written about each and every
one of them.

Jason Kissner is Associate Professor of Criminology at Fresno State University. This article first appeared at Memoryhole Blog.

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet [HQ FULL]

Activist Post: “Chemtrails” Exposed – Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented #news

Activist Post: “Chemtrails” Exposed – Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented #news

“Chemtrails” Exposed – Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented

Jay Dyer

Activist Post

From Chemtrails to Directed Energy Weapons, the System is Set on Total Control

There has been much speculation in the last few years as to the
authenticity of the claims of “chemtrail” spraying of the ionosphere by
secretive groups for unknown reasons, with such claims generally
receiving the scorn of tinfoil hat insanity. Distinguished from
“contrails,” the normal water and ice crystal formations that result
from aircraft exhaust vapor, “chemtrails” is the popular name for
aerosol spraying by planes in different layers of the atmosphere under
the cover of numerous global geoengineering programs.

(Image: HAARP and the aurora borealis. Image: redicecreations.com)

Is this possible? Could there be widespread global aerosol spraying
programs? Not only is this possible, it’s already being done, and has
been going on for decades. With origins in World War II cloud-seeding,
the development of weather modification and mass geoengineering
programs is no longer even covert, with numerous papers, programs and
examples now made public.

With this in mind, it is somewhat shocking the number
of trolls and deniers that exist, telling us daily these are fictions
of paranoid conspiracists, while any of the above notions can be easily
verified with Google and a few minutes of research. Of course, this is
not likely to happen, as the public has never heard of the Royal
Society, much less “geoengineering,” since Kim Kardashian’s butt is a much more accurate weathervane of the tides of public interest (a very big weathervane).

“Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty”

In this article, I will document several papers from officialdom,
including scientific journals and white papers that demonstrate the
programs are real. Not only will we see they are real, we will in fact
see these programs integrate with one another and provide the
establishment the potential for tremendously disastrous social
engineering effects, as well as environmental dangers that result from
such dark pragmatic scientistic ends.

Our first document under survey is the Royal Society report “Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty,” a 2009 paper
that details the various potentialities for numerous approaches to
curbing CO2 emissions, naturally tied in with population reduction and a
return to neo-feudalistic model of global economic realignment.

Given that the United Nations was established by Royal Society backing, the "Agenda 21" implementation
we have heard much about in the last few decades is part of a much
larger strategy foisted upon the global community by these very shadow
players. I have detailed previously the connection between mass
depopulation, economic overhauls and realignment and the so-called
dangers of resource-based economies being directed into a staged crisis
by the corporate elite.

Royal Society/IPCC image of methods of geoengineering. Notice the “space mirrors.” Image: assets.climatecentral.org

In perfect establishment orthodoxy, the Royal Society paper promotes all
the classic fear-based canards of melting ice caps, Malthusian
disasters, etc., that have been the harpy screech for some 40 years, not
the least of which has manifested. However, for our purposes here, we
see the Royal Society is very much a proponent of atmospheric aerosol

Mimicking the effects of volcanic eruptions by injecting sulphate aerosols into the lower stratosphere. (pg. XII) 
the Solar Radiation Management methods considered, stratospheric
aerosols are currently the most promising because their effects would be
more uniformly distributed than for localised Solar Radiation
Management methods, they could be much more readily implemented than
space-based methods, and would take effect rapidly (within a year or two
of deployment). (pg. XIII)
This is an interesting claim, as Lord Rees, an important member and contributor to this report authored a book, Just Six Numbers,
on the mathematical tuning of the universe, expounding how it
demonstrates an amazing balance of symmetry creating the conditions for

Yet here, we are threatened with humans tipping the perfect balance
because humans exist as carbon-based beings, drive cars and fart – cows,
too! Like an inside joke from the kleptocryptocracy, the double-talk of
promoting a universe with telos and order, and at the same time
requiring a mass genocide and reorganization by the scientific
priest-class smacks more of a con job than a legitimate scientific
endeavor. Rees would have us believe the universe perfectly balances
itself to “create” life, and then the IPCC and U.N. will step in to save
us from a conversely chaotic, meaningless universe. Which is it? The
following quote is highly revealing:

The greatest challenges to the successful
deployment of geoengineering may be the social, ethical, legal and
political issues associated with governance, rather than scientific and
technical issues. For some methods, like ambient air capture,
pre-existing national mechanisms are likely to be sufficient, for
others, such as ocean iron fertilisation, existing international
mechanisms may be relevant but require some modification. There will
however be some methods, particularly those that require transboundary
activity or which have transboundary effects, for example stratospheric
aerosols or space-based mirrors, which may require new international
mechanisms. Appropriate governance mechanisms for deployment should be
established before Carbon Dioxide Removal or Solar Radiation Management
methods are actually needed in practice. (pg. 13)
The pesky humans (carbon) and their morals will get in the way of our
program, so we will need to do it covertly under the guise of science
and global crises. Space-based mirrors will be needed to aid in the
reflecting process, we are told, yet if my analysis is correct, and the
invention of the climate threat is a scam, the real reason for
“space-based” technology of this sort would likely be weaponized.
Modern science itself is not based on altruism – on the contrary, most
modern technological advancements are based around militarization and
global population management (and destruction).

Have we seen any examples of some space-based weapon with similar
features?  In fact we have, as I have written numerous times about the
Skynet grid that will incorporate the Internet, global tracking, micro
chipped humans and directed energy weapons. A “mirror” in space to
reflect “radiation,” or a space-based directed energy weapon
named Skynet – which do you think is more likely?  The 1996 fas.org paper from the Air Force has Skynet described as “Figure 4-1. Cyber Situation Vision: “Eye” See Everything.”   I
believe this “eye” is the real “mirror,” as the geoengineering
programs are intimately connected to weaponized weather control
programs and psychological warfare, as we will see.

Space-based directed energy weapons. Image graphic from the

Air Force report on the “Eye in the Sky” that “sees everything.”

The report continues:

A wide range of types of particles could be
released into the stratosphere with the objective of scattering sunlight
back to space. Important factors that differentiate the effects of
different types of particles include their size, and whether or not they
conduct electricity (Teller et al. 1997,2002). For non-conducting
particles, the optimal size for scattering sunlight is a few tenths of a
micron. Particles much larger than this become effective at scattering
outgoing long wave (heat) radiation and thus have potential to cause a
warming influence. (pg. 29)
The Teller mentioned is Dr. Edward Teller, the maker of they Hydrogen bomb and physicist who is a big name in pioneering atmospheric spraying and weather modification.  Teller
is cited often in on these reports and papers, and his high pedigree
as a bomb manufacturer should immediately raise eyebrows concerning his
weather and climate modification designs. 
Is the bomb creator now
suddenly a humanitarian who wants to save earth from the “climate” and
“carbon”?  Or are they part of the shadow military industrial
subversion complex that seeks full spectrum dominance over all life? 
Let’s be realistic here.  The manipulation and control envisioned here
is the weaponization of the entirety of man’s environment, ultimately for the purpose of control and depopulation: The same establishment behind the NSA and its eye in the sky is behind the climate façade.

Various other types of stratospheric aerosol
particles have also been suggested (Teller et al. 1997; Blackstock et
al. 2009; Keith in press (b); Submission: Katz). Engineered aerosols
might enable scattering that did not produce so much diffuse
illumination, potentially circumventing a significant side-effect of
sulphate aerosols. Alternative materials might also avoid the
coagulation and vaporisation problems that will be significant for
sulphate aerosols. Finally, it is possible that advanced engineered
particles could be designed that had longer lifetimes, or that were
lofted out of the lower stratosphere, so reducing the impact of the
aerosol on ozone chemistry, or enabling radiative forcing to be
concentrated in special locations such as the polar regions. (pg. 29)
Is this a hint at nanotech or RFID “dust” that might be sprayed for the purpose of creating the “Internet of Things,”
a Google-associated project that aims to coat the surface of the globe
with a form of nanotech? While there has been much speculation regarding
this in alternative media, we do know plans for an Internet of Things
are real, even to the extent of your dishwasher spying on you as former CIA head David Petraeus stated,
as well as further designs for nano “dust.” The report states, back in
2009, engineered particles would have a longer lifespan, and presumably
this means nanotechnology. The report does cite two papers dealing with nanotechnology and food, so we can assume this notion is not far-fetched. In analyzing these documents, it is important to remember this
establishment is operating under a worldview of eugenics and biotech
that has long dropped the Hitlerian racial component for the pragmatic
Fabian approach where the entire globe is a test lab

The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) – a form of directed energy, figures

prominently in the 1995 Bond film, Goldeneye. Image: Wikipedia.com

NRL Scientists Produce Densest Artificial Ionospheric Plasma Clouds Using HAARP

Our next piece of evidence concerns the US Naval use of HAARP, the
infamous Alaskan facility that pioneered weather modification and
weaponization.  Some have speculated that HAARP is now outdated and
purely a research facility nowadays, yet recent papers such as the
Navy’s work with plasma as well as the Stanford documents I will cite
below speak otherwise.  Newer models of manipulation do appear to be connected with Nexrad and Doppler towers, particularly in regard to harnessing lightning as DARPA’s budget shows (see here, page 55).  However,
HAARP is still an important part of that research, if we are to
believe these reports.  It is also important to keep in mind the Navy
is a defense and wartime institution, not a humanitarian one.  This
supports my above thesis that weather and geoengineering strategies are
for militaristic purposes, not the “common good.”  21stCenturyWire writer Shawn Helton explains of HAARP:

Rain producing cloud seeding
operations, drought linked chemtrail programs and directed energy
technology have been working in tandem, altering the world for sometime
under the umbrella of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,
better known as HAARP, a joint project funded by the U.S. Air Force,
Navy and DARPA. At the core of the program’s development is said to be a
unique high frequency ionospheric heating capability.” In addition to that, there is the mention of ELF waves, Geophysical probing and other military applications.

The Navy report in question states:

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) research
physicists and engineers from the Plasma Physics Division, working at
the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitter
facility, Gakona, Alaska, successfully produced a sustained high density
plasma cloud in Earth’s upper atmosphere. “Previous artificial plasma
density clouds have lifetimes of only ten minutes or less,” said Paul
Bernhardt, Ph.D., NRL Space Use and Plasma Section. “This higher density
plasma ‘ball’ was sustained over one hour by the HAARP transmissions
and was extinguished only after termination of the HAARP radio beam. 
glow discharges in the upper atmosphere were generated as a part of the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sponsored Basic
Research on Ionospheric Characteristics and Effects (BRIOCHE) campaign
to explore ionospheric phenomena and its impact on communications and
space weather. Using the 3.6-megawatt high-frequency (HF) HAARP
transmitter, the plasma clouds, or balls of plasma, are being studied
for use as artificial mirrors at altitudes 50 kilometers below the
natural ionosphere and are to be used for reflection of HF radar and
communications signals.
Directed energy satellite weapon from the 2002 Bond film, Die Another Day.

Ironically, the villains in the film are North Koreans. Sound familiar?

DARPA and the Navy working together on plasma manipulation in the
atmosphere – it sounds like a nightmare from Nikola Tesla following a
bad case of indigestion.  DARPA is the establishment’s crypto weaponized
tech arm of the military industrial complex, giving us the Internet
itself, and here we see they are very much interested in directed energy weapons and weather modification
Given that the Anglo-American establishment has the same ruling elite,
my connection between the Royal Society’s paper on geoengineering and
the US military’s testing of directed plasma energy logically
converge.  This doesn’t sound like your garden variety, mass
consumption physics we are fed in establishment academia, but
something akin to the energetic-based hidden metaphysics I have been speaking of, more along the lines of Tesla and Platonic aether.  Did you learn about directed energy weapons and plasma balls in your college physics course?  On the contrary, the cult of scientism purposefully feeds bunk science to the masses, as I have expounded here.

The Stanford VLF Group

Next in our series of documentation is the Stanford University’s
database dedicated to very low and extremely low-frequency programs. 
The radio waves mentioned above are merely one piece of the massive
programs based at universities and government institutions globally
focused on environmental dominance.  Stanford stands out as a major hub
of such programs, and blasting the atmosphere with such frequencies
reveals much deeper designs than mere “weather experiments.”  HAARP has
long utilized VLF/ELF waves to cause different effects in weather
patterns, but what we see in the VLF group is the synthesis of all the
above. A sampling of hundreds of papers dealing with the following are

From lightning effects to earthquake signatures, we know from the
1997 Department of Defense transcript from William S. Cohen
earthquake-inducing weapons, as well as much more, making the very
connections I am

Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms
of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types
of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just
eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some
sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific
crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely
through the use of electromagnetic waves.
Scaramanga’s Directed Solar Energy Weapon in the 1974 film, The Man With the Golden Gun. Image imfdb.org

Skeptics and deniers refuse to make the integrated connections I am
because they cannot grasp the concept of compartmentalization, wherein
various scientific enclaves are working for some very specific ends.
These ends, however, are ultimately for the goals of an establishment
with a manifesto of global genocide, from the Georgia Guidestones, to
Ted Turner to Al Gore to the Royal Society.

Globalist technocrats from Brzezinski to Toeffler to Bill Gates have
also long been vocal on Geoengineering and ELF/VLF manipulation and
their military uses, which brings me to my concluding example. Col.
Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, and military psy op
commander co-authored a famous 2003 paper on psychological warfare
titled: “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory,”
in which the footnotes at the end describe just the nefarious scenario
Cohen warned of and are best cited in their entirety. Aquino and
Vallely write:

“19 Atmospheric electromagnetic (EM)
activity: The Human body communicates internally by EM and 
electrochemical impulses. The EM field displayed in Kirlian photographs,
the effectiveness of acupuncture, and the body’s physical responses to
various types of EM radiation (X-rays, infrared radiation, visible
light  spectra, etc.) are all examples of human sensitivity to EM
forces and fields. Atmospheric EM activity is regularly altered by such
phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which distort
the  Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions,
humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas.
MindWar should be timed accordingly
. Per Dr. LJ. Ravitz:

Electromagnetic field constructs add fuel to the assumption unifying living matter harmoniously
with the operations of nature, the expression of an electromagnetic
field no less  than non-living systems; and that as points on spectrums,
these two entities may at last take their positions in the
organization of the universe in a way both explicable and rational … A
tenable  theory has been provided for emergence of the nervous system,
developing not from functional  demands, but instead deriving as a
result of dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total field
pattern. Living matter on has a definition of state based on relativity
field physics, through  which it has been possible to detect a
measurable property of total state functions. (Ravitz, State- Function,
Including Hypnotic States” in Journal of American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1970.)

20 Ionization of the air:
An abundance of negative condensation nuclei (“air ions”) in ingested
air enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an excess of positive
ions enhances drowsiness and depression. Calculation of the ionic
balance of a target audience’s atmospheric environment will be
correspondingly useful. Again this is a naturally-occurring condition –
caused by such varying agents as solar ultraviolet
light, lightning, and rapidly-moving water – rather than one which most be artificially created. (Detonation of nuclear weapons, however, will alter atmospheric ionization levels.) Cf. Soyke, Fred and Edmonds, Alan, The Ion Effect. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1977.

21 Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
waves: ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but
they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project
Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally
noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human
body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional
distortion. Infrasound
vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally
influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or
beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from
alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as
ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in
conjunction with media broadcasts as well
. See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978, pages 130-140.”

The real golden gun, like the control of all life, is the control and direction of energy.

Modern fiat economics itself is a directed energy weapon. Image: the007dissier.com

There you go – a master of psychological warfare admits all the
connections I made above.  Humans are walking, energetic beings that
vibrate at a cellular level at various frequencies.  Through mass
manipulation of ELF waves, the frequencies can be manipulated through
the atmosphere (geoengineering), as well as through mediums such as
television and media broadcasts.  We know the monkey lab in Bastrop, Texas focuses on tuning flicker rates to specific speeds to cause hypnotic effects, so we can deduce similar programs are at work involving frequency manipulation with the entire environment, which is key.

It is not merely an attack on some single aspect of organisms, but a
dominance of all aspects of organic life.  The technocratic dream of
transhumanist transcendence is the reason for all this, the assumption
being that to go to the next level, the existing order must be utilized
for mass experimentation to determine which genetic strands can best
adapt and conversely which means are the best appropriation to attaining
singularity in a Skynet-ruled, RFID dust-covered nanotech planet.  In
the wake of the destruction, the forced Darwinian evolution will cause
a “leap” in those able to adapt, pure order out of designed chaos. 
“Chemtrails” and geoengineering are clearly a part of this mass
engineering.  When we step outside the compartmentalized framework, we
can clearly see the pattern I have elucidated emerge.

Related Activist Post Articles:

You can read more from Jay Dyer at his site Jay's Analysis, where this first appeared.

Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014

The Occult World peace Plan-United Nations LUCIS TRUST

The Occult World peace Plan-United Nations LUCIS TRUST

The Church Committee


"The Church Committee was the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Senator Frank Church (D-ID) in 1975. A precursor to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee investigated intelligence gathering for illegality by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after certain activities had been revealed by the Watergate affair."Wikipedia

Late in 1974, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh revealed that the CIA was not only destabilizing foreign governments, but was also conducting illegal intelligence operations against thousands of American citizens.
On January 27, 1975, an aroused Senate voted overwhelmingly to establish a special 11-member investigating body along the lines of the recently concluded Watergate Committee.  Under the chairmanship of Idaho Senator Frank Church, with Texas Senator John Tower as vice-chairman, the select committee was given nine months and 150 staffers to complete its work.
The so-called Church Committee ran into immediate resistance from the Ford administration, concerned about exposing American intelligence operations and suspicious of Church’s budding presidential ambitions.


Senator Frank Church on NBC's "Meet the Press":
"In the need to develop a capacity to know what potential enemies are doing, the United States government has perfected a technological capability that enables us to monitor the messages that go through the air. Now, that is necessary and important to the United States as we look abroad at enemies or potential enemies. We must know, at the same time, that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left such is the capability to monitor everything—telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide.
If this government ever became a tyrant, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know. Such is the capability of this technology.
I don’t want to see this country ever go across the bridge. I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return."

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1975):


...nothing new under the sun...

Activist Post: 5 Reasons to Question the Official Story of the 'Sydney Siege' #news

Activist Post: 5 Reasons to Question the Official Story of the 'Sydney Siege' #news

 These 5 reasons brought by Brandon Turbeville should give enough thoughts to question the "ISIS" show-down in Sydney...

But for them that still believe the government propaganda created by the main stream media they should just take a look into their history book and count the villains since ca. 1890.
You will notice if not totally brain dead or brain washed that there is a  constructed / engineered crowd control pattern based on fear that you can easily follow until today.

The fear / boogyman time line:
1890 until ca. 1913 = The Anarchist
1915 until 1945 = The Germans
1950 until 1990 = The Soviets
2001 until today = The Muslim

Why putting such effort in creating an illusional fiction? Because as Gustave le Bon wrote in his 1895 work *The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind.* 

"The improbable does not exist for a crowd, and it is necessary to bear this circumstance well in mind to understand the facility with which are created and propagated the most improbable legends and stories."

"Crowds, being incapable both of reflection and of reasoning, are devoid of the notion of improbability; and it is to be noted that in a general way it is the most improbable things that are the most striking."

"Crowds being only capable of thinking in images are only to be impressed by images. It is only images that terrify or attract them and become motives of action."

"Civilisations as yet have only been created and directed by a small intellectual aristocracy, never by crowds. Crowds are only powerful for destruction. Their rule is always tantamount to a barbarian phase. A civilisation involves fixed rules, discipline, a passing from the instinctive to the rational state, forethought for the future, an elevated degree of culture — all of them conditions that crowds, left to themselves, have invariably shown themselves incapable of realising. In consequence of the purely destructive nature of their power crowds act like those microbes which hasten the dissolution of enfeebled or dead bodies. When the structure of a civilisation is rotten, it is always the masses that bring about its downfall."

Oddly enough the 'crowd' contioned populus in the western hemisphere has seldomly ever heard of the French social psychologist and sociologist Gustave le Bon but his works had a great influence.

Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, was influenced by Le Bon. In his famous book Propaganda, he declared that *a major feature of democracy was the manipulation of the mass mind by media and advertising.* Theodore Roosevelt, as well as many other American progressives in the early 20th century, were also deeply affected by Le Bon's writings.

Likewise the British surgeon Wilfred Trotter , a pioneer in neurosurgery and member of the Tavistock Institute. In 1908, he published two papers on the subject of herd mentality.
Trotter's popular book, The Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War is an analysis of group psychology and the ability of large numbers of people to be swayed by innate tendency. In it he popularised in English the concept, first developed by French sociologist Gustave Le Bon, of an instinct overriding the will of the individual in favour of the group.
Trotter's writings about the herd mentality, which began as early as 1905 and were published as a paper in two parts in 1908 and 1909 are considered by some to represent a breakthrough in the understanding of group behaviour, long before its study became important in a variety of fields, from workplace relations to marketing.

By knowing that the populus aka crowd is being governed and controled without their knowing it shouldn't be a surprise that the US Army has a 'new' tactical unite that creates 'illusions' for the purpose of manipulation.

The Psychological operations (PSYOP) or, as it has been known since 2010, Military Information Support Operations (MISO), are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior favorable to U.S. objectives. They are an important part of the range of diplomatic, informational, military, and economic activities available to the U.S. They can be utilized during both peacetime and conflict. There are three main types: strategic, operational, and tactical. Strategic PSYOP include informational activities conducted by the U.S. government agencies outside of the military arena, though many utilize Department of Defense (DOD) assets.

Operational PSYOP are conducted across the range of military operations, including during peacetime, in a defined operational area to promote the effectiveness of the joint force commander's (JFC) campaigns and strategies. Tactical PSYOP are conducted in the area assigned to a tactical commander across the range of military operations to support the tactical mission against opposing forces.

PSYOP can encourage popular discontent with the opposition's leadership and by combining persuasion with a credible threat, degrade an adversary's ability to conduct or sustain military operations. They can also disrupt, confuse, and protract the adversary's decision-making process, undermining command and control. When properly employed, PSYOP have the potential to save the lives of friendly or enemy forces by reducing the adversary's will to fight. By lowering the adversary's morale and then its efficiency, PSYOP can also discourage aggressive actions by creating disaffection within their ranks, ultimately leading to surrender.

The integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own.

Hence in conclusion sorry to say these manufactured stories are just  an illusion to create fear. The fear that gives the POWERS absolut consent to take away your natural rights. 

And precisely that is what George H. W. Bush meant in his 'New World Order' of the Joint session of Congress speech, 9/11/1990.

"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a 'new world order'. A world where the *rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.* When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this 'new world order', an order in which a credible United Nations can use it's peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.s' founders."

law of the jungle = NATURAL LAW
rule of law = NEW WORLD ORDER

Side Note
Why secrets are needed in a society by George Simmel an other sociologist and philosopher nobody ever heard of, but who also had great influence:

"In small groups secrets are less needed because everyone seems to be more similar. In larger groups secrets are needed because everyone is so different. In a secret society the society is held together by the need to maintain the secret, which also causes tension because without the secret the society does not exist. Even in marriage secrecy must exist. In revealing all, marriage becomes dull and boring and loses all excitement. Simmel saw a general thread in the importance of secrets and the strategic use of ignorance: To be social beings who are able to cope successfully with their social environment, people need clearly defined realms of unknowns for themselves. Furthermore, sharing a common secret allows for there to be a strong "we feeling." The modern world depends on honesty and therefore a lie can be considered more devastating than it ever has been before. Money allows there to be a level of secrecy that has never been attainable before it allows for “invisible” transactions, because now money is such an integral part of human values and beliefs. It is possible to buy silence."

 Ergo: there are no coincidences... all well planned and organized
nothing new under the sun...

United Nations Peacekeeper Soldiers Fire at Protestors in Haiti