Ursache & Wirkung

Ursache & Wirkung
"Wer die Ursache nicht kennt, nennt die Wirkung Zufall" Werner Mitsch

Sonntag, 1. November 2015

FB sucks....

 Because fb sucks... here the YT comment:
First of all, your ad hoc live speak is great!
And your thoughts about these so called accidents are entitled. What the deliberately blinded masses don't know Halloween the day itself is of Druidic origin. The Druids celebrated two special nights of the year: Beltane and Samhain. Beltane took place on May 1 and marked the birth of summer. Samhain occurred on November 1 and signified the death of summer. Samhain, a night celebrating death and hell, was the Druids most important ritual. It was a terrifying night of human sacrifices. 
And it was the original Halloween. The Druids believed, during Samhain, the mystic veil separating the dead from the living opened. The Druids taught these roaming spirits loosed on Samhain went searching for a body to possess. The frightened Celts would masquerade as demons, evil spirits and ghosts, hoping to convince the roaming evil spirits, they were another evil spirit, and leave them alone. The Celts also prepared meals as "treats" to appease the evil spirits from "tricks" or malicious acts; hence our custom of "trick or treat." The Druids performed horrifying human sacrifices and other vile rituals during Samhain. 
Let there be no doubt—Samhain night was a terrifying "covenant with death, and with hell." And let there be no doubt – Samhain was the original Halloween night. As we all know "Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause." - Voltaire The occult and Halloween =>Halloween is serious business in the occult world. Witchcraft, Wicca, Satanism and paganism believe, on the night of Halloween, devils and spirits are unleashed. They perform their most hideous and potent rituals on the night of Halloween.
 -Samhain: This is the "Witch’s New Year" and the primary Sabbat from which all others flow. (RavenWolf, Silver. Teen Witch, p. 42)
 -Halloween is one of the four major Sabbats celebrated by the modern Witch, and it is by far the most popular and important of the eight that are observed. . . Witches regard Halloween as their New Year’s Eve, celebrating it with sacred rituals. . . (Dunwich, Gerina. The Pagan Book of Halloween, p. 120)
 -Halloween is also among Satanism’s most cherished days. Anton LaVey, founder of The Church of Satan and author of The Satanic Bible writes: After one's own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (May 1st) and Halloween. (LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible, p. 96)
 -Satanic High Priestess Blanche Barton, on The Church of Satan web site, praises Halloween: It [Halloween] gives even the most mundane people the opportunity to taste wickedness for one night. They have a chance to dance with the Devil . . .I see Satanists all over the world meeting in small groups this night and Hallowe’ens 500 years hence, to raise a glass to the Infernal Hosts. . .
-The Satanic Calendar decrees for Halloween: "One of the two most important nights of the year. . . Blood and sexual rituals. Sexual association with demons. Animal and human sacrifice—male or female." (www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/satanic_calendar.htm)
 -Former occultist Johanna Michaelsen reveals, "Halloween is also a prime recruiting season for Satanists." (Michaelsen, Johanna. Like Lambs to the Slaughter, p. 192)
 We live in a time of death worship (memorials) and unseen because unknown mass occult or satanic rituals therefor I'm not surprised to witness with both accidents a synchronicity. (=>  Synchronicity is a concept first explained by psychiatrist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related.) Meaningfully related: Both events include human deaths, fire or explosion, date: Samhain celebration October 31 - November 1, mostly christians, mourning or celebrating the killed (sacrificed)... So yes your thoughts can be varified. “. . . We have made a covenant with DEATH, and with HELL are we at agreement;. . .” Isaiah 28:15

Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

Answer to a FB comment, but FB won't let me answer....

I didn't say that you are a M. Passio believer, I only mentioned that he is tricky. And one should be careful, simply because he teaches the "balancing the sacred feminine and masculine", thereby he glorifies the human being. Now where lies the difference to men becoming gods through a higher consciousness by accepting their sacred feminine and masculine consciousness?... Surly you can study him, I also studied his works, but by knowing the Kabbalah, and Gnostic teachings I can recognize the similarities between his teaching and the named secret teachings. And that is why I only mentioned to be careful. Even if you do not accept the christian teachings, you would though have to accept the simple fact, that without comprehending the bible, one can not fully comprehend the ancient mythologies, Babylonian Mysteries, Talmud, Kabbalah, Theosophy or the Gnostic teaching. The bible is the Rosetta Stone to decode these named (secret) knowledge’s, because all these named teaching are based on the bible. About the term 'dark', this term implies that hidden knowledge is evil, but not the knowledge is evil, it's the powers that are hiding the knowledge that are evil. Thereby taking the knowledge out of the dark, wouldn't change the hidden (occult) societies, because in the end they would still be hidden.
Again about symbols, according to Joseph Campbell “A symbol is an energy evoking, and directing, agent. “ saying it doesn't matter if you don't believe in symbols, or they wouldn't harm you. Problem is the ruling powers know how symbols function and how they can be used. Fact is symbols are used to produce an emotional effect, remember Ferguson and the hands up symbol? Now when thousand people at once use that symbol they are emotionally involved, in spiritual sense energy is being produced... simply said all these symbolic movements use symbols that were created for hidden purposes, i.e peace movement using the peace sign which is nothing other then a broken cross, or the V sign Churchill used as a victory sign, well the master druid and free mason Churchill knew the precise meaning of it, namely nothing other than the glorification of the 5. Age or Golden Age...or the devil horns, people assume this symbol is a youth rock and roll symbol, the president and the pope use it to act like they are cool...but when a Jesuit pope uses this symbol he shows his real allegiance. Now people all over the planet are using these simple symbols because they believe these are positive symbols expressing a positive action, but without their knowing their spiritual energy is being exploited.
The unique nature of a symbol is that it gives access to deeper layers of reality which are otherwise inaccessible.” John Tillich

Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

Neturei Karta Booth at MAS Convention

Activist Post: CIA mind-control program: not gone, not forgotten #news

Activist Post: CIA mind-control program: not gone, not forgotten #news

CIA mind-control program: not gone, not forgotten

Jon Rappoport
Activist Post

Follow me on a few twists and turns down the rabbit hole.

Start with this untitled June 27, 1994, document, stored at the National Security Archive at The George Washington University.

It was written by a CIA advisory committee, and forwarded to the Presidential Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, which was preparing public hearings in 1994.

Here is a key quote:

“In the 1950s and 60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experimentation [MKULTRA], using drugs, psychological, and other means, in search of techniques to control human behavior for counterintelligence and covert action purposes… Most of the MKULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1973 by the order of then DCI Richard Helms…Helms testified that he agreed to destroy the records because ‘there had been relationships with outsiders in government agencies and other organizations and that these would be sensitive in this kind of a thing but that since the [mind-control] program was over and finished and done with, we thought we would just get rid of files as well, so that anybody who assisted us in the past would not be subject to follow-up questions, embarrassment, if you will.’”

Helms was not only admitting he destroyed the records, he was stating that the MKULTRA program deployed, through contracts, “outsiders” to carry out mind control experiments. He was determined to protect the outsiders, to keep their identity and work secret. He was also dedicated to preventing these people from exposing the nature of their mind-control work.

Subsequently, some of these “outsiders” have been revealed. But no one really knows how deep, far, and wide the CIA penetrated into academic and research communities to enable MKULTRA.

Helms also stated that MKULTRA was ended. There is no reason to believe this. Therefore, his justification for destroying huge numbers of documents was absurd.

For example: Back in the early 1990s, I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate. This was the book that exposed the existence of the infamous CIA MKULTRA program.

John Marks related the following facts to me. He had filed many Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests to the CIA for documents relating to their mind-control program. He got nothing back.

Finally, as if to play a joke on him, someone at the CIA sent him 10 boxes of financial and accounting records. The attitude was, “Here, see what you can do with this.”

I’ve seen some of those records. They’re very boring reading.

But Marks went through them, and lo and behold, he found he could piece together MKULTRA projects, based on the funding data.

Eventually, he assembled enough information to begin naming names. He conducted interviews. The shape of MKULTRA swam into view. And so he wrote his book, Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

Marks continued to press the CIA for more MKULTRA information. He explained to me what then happened. A CIA official told him the following: in 1962, after ten years of mind-control experiments, the whole program—which supposedly was shut down—had actually been shifted over to another internal CIA department, the Office of Research and Development (ORD).

The ORD had a hundred boxes of information on their MKULTRA work, and there was no way under the sun, Marks was told, that he was ever going to get his hands on any of that. It was over. It didn’t matter how many FOIA requests Marks filed. He was done. The door was shut. Goodbye.

The CIA went darker than it ever had before. No leaks of any kind would be permitted.

In case there is any doubt about it, the idea of relying on the CIA to admit what it has done in the mind-control area, what it is doing, and what it will do should be put to bed by John Mark’s statements. The CIA always has been, and will continue to be, a rogue agency beyond the reach of the law.

So…can we go back in time and find evidence that the CIA embraced goals that would take their mind-control research right up through the present day?


Goal: develop drugs to transform individuals…and even, by implication, society.

Drug research going far beyond the usual brief descriptions of MKULTRA.

The intention is there, in the record.

A CIA document was included in the transcript of the 1977 US Senate Hearings on MKULTRA, the CIA’s mind-control program.

The document is found in Appendix C, starting on page 166. It’s simply labeled “Draft,” dated 5 May 1955.

It begins: “A portion of the Research and Development Program of [CIA’s] TSS/Chemical Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods:”

What followed was a list of hoped-for drugs and their uses.

The range of CIA intentions was stunning.

Some of my comments gleaned from studying that drug list—

The CIA wanted to find substances which would “promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness.” Serious consideration should be given to the idea that psychiatric medications, food additives, herbicides, and industrial chemicals (like fluorides) would eventually satisfy that requirement.

The CIA wanted to find chemicals that “would produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way.” This suggests many possibilities—among them the use of drugs to fabricate diseases and thereby give the false impression of germ-caused epidemics.

The CIA wanted to find drugs that would “produce amnesia.” Ideal for discrediting whistleblowers, dissidents, certain political candidates, and other investigators. (Scopolamine, for example.)

The CIA wanted to discover drugs which would produce “paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.” A way to make people decline in health as if from diseases.

The CIA wanted to develop drugs that would “alter personality structure” and thus induce a person’s dependence on another person. How about dependence in general? For instance, dependence on institutions, governments?

 The CIA wanted to discover chemicals that would “lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men.” Sounds like a general description of the devolution of society.

As you read the list yourself, you’ll see more implications/possibilities.

Here, from 1955, are the types of drugs the MKULTRA men at the CIA were looking for. These are direct quotes from the document:

Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public.

Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception.

Materials which will prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.

Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness.

Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called “brain-washing”.

Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use.

Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use.

Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.

Substances which will produce “pure” euphoria with no subsequent let-down.

Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.

A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning.

Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts.

Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects.

A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis.

A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a man to perform any physical activity whatsoever.

That’s the list.

At the end of this 1955 CIA document, the author [unnamed] makes this remark: “In practice, it has been possible to use outside cleared contractors for the preliminary phases of this [research] work…” That’s further evidence that the CIA mind control program, going forward, would rely on and use a large number of non-CIA researchers—evidence of which, as noted above, was destroyed by CIA director Richard Helms in 1973.

If you examine the full range of psychiatric drugs developed since 1955, you’ll see that a number of them fit the CIA’s agenda.

Speed-type chemicals, which addle the brain over the long term, to treat so-called ADHD.

Anti-psychotic drugs, to render patients more and more dependent on others (and government) as they sink into profound disability and incur motor brain damage. Dr. Peter Breggin, author of Toxic Psychiatry, places the number of Americans whose brains have been damaged by these anti-psychotic drugs at 300,000, at minimum.

The SSRI antidepressants, like Prozac and Paxil and Zoloft, which produce extreme and debilitating highs and lows—and also push people over the edge into committing violence.

Tranquilizers, which debilitate the thinking process for millions of users.

These drugs drag the whole society down into lower and lower levels of consciousness and action.

If that’s the goal of a very powerful and clandestine government agency…it’s succeeding.

And now, using the pretext of lone-shooter mass violence (Aurora, Sandy Hook, etc.), the US government, out in the open, is funding massive research to “map the brain,” in order to…what?

Control the brain. “Return it to a state of normalcy.”

Meaning: create a society in which obedience to authority is the prime human value.

Every day, the neuro-psychiatric establishment is making the CIA’s 1955 dream come true.

MKULTRA mind control dead and buried? Not a chance.

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Activist Post: The Republic is No More. We Now Live in a Police State. #news

Activist Post: The Republic is No More. We Now Live in a Police State. #news

 The Republic is No More. We Now Live in a Police State.

 By Ron Paul

If Americans were honest with themselves they would acknowledge that the Republic is no more. We now live in a police state. If we do not recognize and resist this development, freedom and prosperity for all Americans will continue to deteriorate. All liberties in America today are under siege.

It didn’t happen overnight. It took many years of neglect for our liberties to be given away so casually for a promise of security from the politicians. The tragic part is that the more security was promised — physical and economic — the less liberty was protected.

With cradle-to-grave welfare protecting all citizens from any mistakes and a perpetual global war on terrorism, which a majority of Americans were convinced was absolutely necessary for our survival, our security and prosperity has been sacrificed.

It was all based on lies and ignorance. Many came to believe that their best interests were served by giving up a little freedom now and then to gain a better life.

The trap was set. At the beginning of a cycle that systematically undermines liberty with delusions of easy prosperity, the change may actually seem to be beneficial to a few. But to me that’s like excusing embezzlement as a road to leisure and wealth — eventually payment and punishment always come due. One cannot escape the fact that a society’s wealth cannot be sustained or increased without work and productive effort. Yes, some criminal elements can benefit for a while, but reality always sets in.

Reality is now setting in for America and for that matter for most of the world. The piper will get his due even if “the children” have to suffer. The deception of promising “success” has lasted for quite a while. It was accomplished by ever-increasing taxes, deficits, borrowing, and printing press money. In the meantime the policing powers of the federal government were systematically and significantly expanded. No one cared much, as there seemed to be enough “gravy” for the rich, the poor, the politicians, and the bureaucrats.

Warfare/Welfare State Requires Police Control

As the size of government grew and cracks in the system became readily apparent, a federal police force was needed to regulate our lives and the economy, as well as to protect us from ourselves and make sure the redistribution of a shrinking economic pie was “fair” to all. Central economic planning requires an economic police force to monitor every transaction of all Americans. Special interests were quick to get governments to regulate everything we put in our bodies: food, medications, and even politically correct ideas. IRS employees soon needed to carry guns to maximize revenue collections.

The global commitment to perpetual war, though present for decades, exploded in size and scope after 9/11. If there weren’t enough economic reasons to monitor everything we did, fanatics used the excuse of national security to condition the American people to accept total surveillance of all by the NSA, the TSA, FISA courts, the CIA, and the FBI. The people even became sympathetic to our government’s policy of torture.

To keep the people obedient to statism that originated at the federal level of government, control of education was required. It is now recognized that central control of education has actually ruined education, while costs have skyrocketed. National control of medical care has brought a similar result. This has meant more money for bureaucrats, as well as drug, insurance, and health management companies, and less money for medical care. Constantly more police are required to run our lives at greater costs while providing less benefit. “Nationalizing” both medical care and education has provided a great incentive to increase the policing powers of the federal government.

The predictable poverty that results from such a terrible system is now upon us and is a strong motivation for the militarization of local police as part of the expansion of the national police state. Temporary and perceived benefits of government overreach and expanded policing powers end up becoming the real problem. By the time it is understood that these “benefits” are artificial, government power and special interests have gained control of a system designed to serve them and not the people the programs were purported to help. The victims are left hanging and taught that too much freedom is the source of the problem, prompting even more support for the policing power of the state.

Today the failure of central economic planning and of the US as world policeman is everywhere to be found. This is especially noticeable in the police war on the lawbreakers — real and unreal — in America. The failures of social and economic policy of the past 50 years have led to a mounting friction between the local police and the rights of the people. Local police have been militarized and have become an integral part of the national police state. A police culture that accepts the principle of initiating unjustified violence against citizens has become a serious problem.

The news is constant. If it’s not Ferguson, it’s New York City. If not New York City, it’s Chicago or Detroit or Cleveland. And I believe the violence in our cities is only in its early stages. We had a taste of the conflict in the 1960s, but the fundamental values of equal justice and economic opportunity have receded further from reality. Failing to understand why the past 50 years of government expansion to eradicate poverty has only worsened the conditions of our cities will guarantee that the violent conflicts we see erupting today will only get worse.

Fight for Equal Protection Distorted by 'War on Poverty'

Fifty years ago, as a result of Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership in a plea for equal justice, LBJ declared war on poverty. Poverty was seen at that time as the major contributing factor in the plight of those living in the inner city. King’s dream was to make sure all people will be judged by the “content of their character” and not by “the color of their skin.” Good advice, but it was never followed. Residual racism remains, but the excuse for every shortcoming in the failed cities is said to be due to the color of one’s skin.

The very expensive war on poverty has after 50 years only made matters worse, compounding the problems of poverty and inflation while hurting most of the people the “war” was supposed to help. Currently our government spends over $1 trillion per year on anti-poverty programs. Over the past 50 years, over $16 trillion was spent, i.e., wasted. And yet poverty and dire economic conditions remain the major factor in the violence that persists, which incites or gives the police the excuse to overreact to maintain order. The plans and expectations for the war on poverty must have been seriously flawed.

Although the degree of poverty is different for the various races in the United States, all categories — Asian, white, Hispanic, and black — have had a steady increase in real median income from 1964 until the year 2000, when the first of many bubbles started bursting. In all four race categories incomes are lower since then. With the economy moving into the next stage of liquidation of bad investment and debt, we should expect this trend to continue. Economic setbacks and a decrease in real income are not limited to blacks in the inner city. The setback for the young has been dramatically worse than for the older generations, aggravating the problem of violent crime in our cities.
The “progress” of the early years of the war on poverty is understandable because the payment that always must be paid was delayed. The deficits and the borrowing and printing of money were unsustainable. It should not be difficult to understand that the welfare benefits, the bloated government, the excessive salaries, and the promised pensions for thousands of nonproductive bureaucrats in Detroit would lead to bankruptcy. The benefits had to be reduced. If policies don’t change and the politicians continue to be elected by wild promises, the disaster will continue. How can the provocateurs blame racism for the plight of the middle class in Detroit?

We must get people to reject flawed economic policy if we want a real war on poverty. LBJ’s war on poverty was no more successful than his Vietnam War — or any war since, for that matter. A national government that can print money as needed to finance extraordinary extravagance can function longer than a city, state, or private entity, but it too must eventually “file for bankruptcy” albeit in a different fashion. As we are now seeing, the bankruptcy of a nation also involves poverty for many. This situation will continue to worsen. Since poverty is a major contributing factor to the violence of excessive police militarization, some fundamentals must be understood. The economic theories of Paul Samuelson, Paul Krugman, John Maynard Keynes, and all those who claim to know how to “regulate” the economy to benefit the poor, must be challenged and abandoned.

So far reality has not yet set in. The poor grow in numbers as the middle class shrinks and the privileged class that benefits from government spending and government control of the monetary system thrives. The political demagogues and the authoritarians feed the flames of resentment that develop between the rich and the poor as class warfare and racial strife take over. They care little and understand less what liberty is all about — the more chaos there is, the more laws they seek to pass.

The Victimized Inner Cities

This social disruption has motivated the enthusiastic growth and militarization of our local police departments. The law and order crowd thrives on excessive laws and regulations that no US citizen can escape. The out-of-control war on drugs is the worst part, and it generates the greatest danger in poverty-ridden areas via out-of-control police. It is estimated that these conditions have generated up to 80,000 SWAT raids per year in the United States. Most are in poor neighborhoods and involve black homes and businesses being hit disproportionately. This involves a high percentage of no-knock attacks. As can be expected many totally innocent people are killed in the process. Property damage is routine and compensation is rare. The routine use of civil forfeiture of property has become an abomination, totally out of control, which significantly contributes to the chaos. It should not be a surprise to see resentment building up against the police under these conditions. The violent reaction against local merchants in retaliation for police actions further aggravates the situation —hardly a recipe for a safe neighborhood.

Though poverty and excessive laws associated with the war on drugs are significant factors in the conflicts that are routine in the inner-city, the overreaction by both sides continues to make the situation much worse. As a result, policing in general is out of control, and anything suggesting racial confrontation leads to rioting, looting, and property destruction. Civil liberties are ignored by the police, and the private property of innocent bystanders is disregarded by those resenting police violence. When police overreact and unfairly enforce the law, it elicits a violent reaction from those on the receiving end. This only escalates the problem. It’s an invitation for outside provocateurs to rush in and aggravate the racial tensions — all the while never trying to understand the real reasons behind police militarization and the cause of poverty.

The military-industrial complex now systematically lobbies to provide to local police departments the newest and most sophisticated weaponry — just as they sell weapons to the United States government to fight undeclared wars overseas. Drug laws are pushed by many corporate interests as well. Pharmaceutical companies, alcohol companies, and private prison systems all support of the insane war on drugs. The victims are the poor who suffer with a messed up economy and have no easy access to jobs. A natural temptation is to become a drug dealer. Violent activities arising from the drug war making drug transactions a criminal undertaking create demand in communities for strict law enforcement.

Why do the race baiters have so much success in making this type of conflict a racial problem alone? Unfortunately many of them make a living off stirring up trouble. If the situation were understood in terms of police brutality and poverty, the evening news would be dramatically different. Turning it into strictly a racial conflict narrows the discussion, and the idea of responsibility for one’s action no longer needs to be discussed.

The race factor seems to stir up the emotions. Mob-like responses can be achieved, which further inflames the situation. Out of control police and an entire segment of our population taught that responsibility for one’s actions is a negative are a volatile mix.

Justice under the law requires that people cannot be punished or rewarded because of the color of their skin, but unfortunately King’s claim that only a person’s character counts is forgotten.

The entitlement mentality is a source of much anger and misunderstanding. It leads people who see themselves as victims to one conclusion: they are entitled to be taken care of. They believe that more government transfer payments are the solution. They claim that they deserve to be taken care of and that, if they are not, there’s trouble to be had — which only opens the door to more police overreactions.

There is agreement with my contention that poverty is a big problem and the source of much trouble. Therefore, it is said, someone must take care of it. If one trillion dollars per year doesn’t do the job, then make it $2 trillion. If the war on poverty’s $16 trillion hasn’t worked, make it $32 trillion. This sentiment reflects the entitlement mentality that has taught many that some people have a “right” to government handouts and that the rich must pay. This is an idea that is deeply flawed, and it stirs up class warfare on top of racial animosities and police brutality.

The blanket demand that all wealthy individuals owe support to the poor through government welfare programs is not an example of equal justice under the law. It is an example of egalitarianism gone awry. Welfare, which is the use of force to transfer wealth from one group to another, is based on a moral principle of equality that in fact is not moral and does not work. The wealthy special interests, such as banks, the military-industrial complex, the medical industry, the drug industry, and many other corporatists, quickly gain control of the system. Crumbs may be thrown to the poor, but the principle of wealth transfer is hijacked and used for corporate and foreign welfare instead of wealth transfers to the poor.

Many people do indeed gain wealth unfairly with today’s system, which adds to the envy shared by many and especially the poor. But this is a problem that is not solved by indiscriminately placing blame on successful businesses. The result would be the country and the whole world becoming poorer while resentment rises. Honest profits of successful entrepreneurs are quite different than profits of the corporate elite who gain control of the government and, as a consequence, accumulate obscene wealth by “robbing” the middle class. To blame and destroy those who make an honest living by satisfying consumers without the use of special benefits from the government is destructive to liberty and wealth.

Reforms that are driven by envy of successful people making an honest living will not address the problem of poverty. Poverty is actually made worse by an aggressive sense of victimization.

Many factors are involved in the crisis of our cities, including the following:

  • Police brutality, militarization of the police, excessive laws, courts and law enforcement efforts ignoring the principles of equal justice,
  • Racism that exists to some degree on both sides of the conflict,
  • Rampant crime reflecting structural poverty,
  • Absence of an understanding of the difference between earned and stolen wealth,
  • Race baiting,
  • The entitlement mentality, self-reliance not being a goal for many, and the breakdown of the family unit,
  • The war on drugs, and
  • The lack of economic understanding regarding the Federal Reserve, taxes, welfare, economic consequences of constant war, deficits, and excessive government spending.
True satisfaction comes from productive effort and self-reliance and not from a government transferring wealth in an effort to bring about an egalitarian society. The absence of an understanding of the nonaggression principle makes it difficult for positive reforms to develop. Unfortunately hypocrisy has come to equal “common sense.” Placing confidence in people who thrive on wielding government power and who spend a lifetime using it to benefit special interests is not a wise policy.

The people have too little confidence that most problems can be solved in a voluntary manner in a society that cherishes civil liberties. There’s never an admission that government problem-solving doesn’t work. Government-created problems are a road to poverty and resentment. Too many people believe that “free stuff” from the government can solve our problems. They mistakenly believe that deficits don’t matter and that wealth can come from a printing press.

The recent high profile episodes of racial conflict involving police killings and the violence in some neighborhoods have been a fertile environment for the demagogues and those who thrive on racial conflict.

Some have suggested that sensitivity training for all police personnel should be required, to teach proper ways to deal with the public. Though there’s a lot of extenuating circumstances that provoke overreaction by the police, I’m not optimistic that the problem will be helped much by sensitivity training. Retraining the police won’t touch the complex problems that pit the police against the victims of complex social conditions generated by hate, violence and bad economic policies. The high profile episodes of police violence and overreaction are a consequence of conditions that in many ways were generated by government policy.

If social engineering intended to produce economic equality fails, more of the same cannot possibly be the solution. Seeking and promoting equal justice has nothing to do with welfare redistribution. On the contrary: equal justice requires the end of welfare redistribution. Redistribution is a process that is always destined to help a small minority, whether in an economy like ours that endorses central economic planning or in one run by radical fascists or communists. While advocates claim that it’s the duty of government to pursue economic equality, all efforts fail to achieve that goal, while gutting the principle of equal justice.

The Rich Are Getting Richer, But Why?

Under an authoritarian regime, those in power take care of themselves. This always leads to poverty and discrepancy in wealth distribution. Eventually the social strife that is predictable leads to an overthrow of the government. The Soviet communist leaders never suffered from want, but even they were routed when the people in the Soviet system decided that they had had enough.

We must realize that we are not exempt from a breakdown of our system. The strife that we are witnessing is a reflection of a growing number of people who are recognizing the discrepancy between rich and poor, the weak and the powerful, Wall Street and Main Street. The courts are obviously failing at meting out justice fairly and impartially. Money and race have a lot to do with how arrests, convictions, and incarcerations are carried out. That provides motivation for some people to become angry and violently strike out against anyone who appears to have more than they do.

While the courts fail to follow the rules of equal justice, those who react violently believe that attacking almost anyone is justifiable in seeking what they claim is justice. Talk of the 99 percent and one percent is not just sloganeering. It reveals a problem generated by government and a situation in which some people believe that they have a “right” to be taken care of rather than just a right to live in a free and just society where all persons are treated equally under the law.

Indeed the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. The extreme current inequality is not a consequence of free markets and true liberty. Rather it results from the welfare state that, as always, morphs into a system that provides excesses for the powerful few. Better management of the welfare system does not help. That only changes the types of authoritarians in charge. Both political parties are financed by Wall Street, the big banks, and the military-industrial complex. Getting rich by being part of the government class is the problem. Wealth achieved by hard work is quite a bit different. Opening the door to this opportunity is achievable by following the principle of life, liberty, and property.

The economic interventionist system under which we live today rewards those who benefit from government economic planning by the Federal Reserve, access to government contracts, and targeted special regulations to help one group over the other. The insiders benefit during the bubble phase of the business cycle and are the first ones in line for the bailouts. The poor, for whom welfare is supposedly designed to help and for whom the politicians justify the spending, end up with the crumbs while the Wall Street/banking elites thrive in good times and bad. There are two problems. First is conceding the principle that government has the moral authority to redistribute wealth. Second is believing the redistribution will be managed wisely and without corruption.

All government management ends up being unwise, corrupt, and wasteful. The money interests inevitably prevail. Belief that “good” bureaucrats and politicians can be found to manage the economy and achieve equity in distribution is a dream that always ends up a nightmare. To make even a modest attempt at this goal requires government to use aggression against one group for the benefit of another. This authority must be denied to government. We must limit the government’s role to protecting equal justice in defense of life, liberty, and property.

Currently the political system in America and in most of the rest of the world is not motivated to seek this limited goal for government. Thus the move toward unfair concentration of wealth in the few and a dramatic increase in the number of people living in poverty as the middle class shrinks. Since there is little understanding of the economic system that is a major contributing factor to the economic problems, it can be expected to exacerbate social and class conflict. The killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson plus many similar incidents are signs of a serious economic and political crisis that is not limited to police brutality and runaway violence.

Police brutality and militarization may well induce a violent event far beyond what we have seen in Ferguson. It also can serve as an excuse. But it is not the root cause of turmoil. The real cause is poverty, the entitlement mentality, and the breakdown of the rule of law. Moral decay and the national police state are the real culprits.

 More police with improved training will not do much to deal with this growing conflict. Bowing to entitlement demands from the “victims” will not be helpful in a bankrupt system. We have too many police, too many laws, and too much exemption of government officials from the crimes they commit. Both adding police and increasing entitlements involve expanding the role of government in an effort to solve problems that too much government has already caused. Government can only be expanded by diminishing the people’s liberty. This problem can only be ended by maximizing liberty and getting people to realize that self-reliance, hard work, and the absence of coercive force by individuals and government is the only way to reverse the downward trend from which we are suffering.

The battle will no longer be to get the government to pick sides in a conflict between rich and poor, black and white, young and old, or the lawless police versus the lawless demands of entitlement recipients demanding their “fair share.” There has to be an understanding that productive effort and self-reliance on the part of everyone is required for a free society to thrive.

Our Liberties Under Attack

The economic and moral decay of American society is reflected in the loss of liberties. This problem affects all Americans and not just the poor in the inner city. Gradual erosion of personal and economic liberty has proceeded for a century. The loss of our liberty has sharply accelerated since the 9/11 attacks. We have done to ourselves what no foreign enemy could have possibly accomplished.

Government surveillance provides the state with information that enables it to know our every move. The protection of the Fourth Amendment is gone. Many Americans are comfortable with the sacrifice of liberty for safety and accept the notion that government’s key responsibility is to keep us safe. It’s a nice dream but the truth is it can’t do it. One thing for sure: if it tries, it will do so at the expense of liberty.

Welfare, for the rich or poor, cannot exist without the sacrifice of the principal of property ownership. Though it always starts small and justified for the “needy,” the principle of wealth transfer incentivizes the special interests and the rich to obtain benefit at the expense of the poor. This occurs in all societies and inevitably grows to a point where the production of wealth is diminished and the system collapses. This is what we are witnessing today.

The growth of the state necessitates government surveillance of all our financial transactions to enhance the collection of tax revenues. Because there is never enough money for the “do-gooders,” the tactics of the tax collectors have become more vicious. Violation of our liberties is excused by the majority in order to ensure that all people “pay their fair share.” When conditions deteriorate, capital controls are imposed to prevent moving assets out of the country. Our monstrous tax code reflects the hundred-years development of our income tax system and is one of the greatest invitations for our “caring” government to pursue the impossible goal of the fair distribution of all wealth.

The vicious drug war, which dates from the early 1970s, provides another excuse for knowing everything about everybody at all times. Its selling point is to keep people safe from themselves. Pursuing this principle guarantees that liberty will be decimated in the process. It invites the government’s interference in our spiritual and intellectual well-being. What one reads and believes becomes of interest to the manipulators who want to care for us for our own good. And they never rest from seeking this goal.

This concession to the state invites controls on everything we put into our bodies: what we eat, drink, or inhale. It takes a lot of bureaucrats, politicians, and money to manage the process. The people, we have been told, are “too stupid” to make their own decisions about their own lives. We are to believe that politicians who invite themselves to rule over us are all-wise and that we should be thankful to sacrifice our liberty for this “service.” Authoritarians actually believe that we should be grateful to them for all the good things that they do for us. We must remember that if the people don’t rebel against a police state it only grows in size and becomes more ruthless.

In addition to all these trends — which includes the federal government monopolizing and administering medical care and education — government surveillance becomes the darling of the gurus who love the technology that allows the government to know our every move, every day, without limits.

With the disaster of 9/11, an existing acceptance of government monitoring, along with technological advances, helped allow a new age to be ushered in that makes the horrors of George Orwell’s 1984 look less threatening by comparison.

The Federal Government’s War on Us

Tolerance is a favorable trait when it means acting without aggression toward others, but tolerance of the monster that has evolved in our government is not good. Instead of adding more government agencies to spy on the American people, we should be talking about eliminating the ones we have, at a cost the American taxpayers of over $80 billion per year.

We have lived with the global war on terrorism for over 13 years now, and the threat of terrorist attacks against Americans and American allies is worse than ever. Though a global threat exists, the greatest dangers for American citizens here at home have been caused by our own government. Our government’s attacks on our liberties have been overwhelming and worse than anything any foreign power has ever done.

It’s the federal government that leads the charge in all our domestic wars, which, in addition to the global war on terrorism, include the war on drugs, taxpayers, and poverty, all of which contribute to the constant war on our privacy. Today every American is a suspect. Our president has established a policy that an American citizen can be assassinated without even being charged with a crime. The national police are made up of over 100,000 bureaucrats and police officials who carry guns to enforce federal law on the American citizens. The Founders and our Constitution intended that policing powers would be the responsibility of the individual states. That was forgotten a long time ago.

Not only do employees of agencies like the CIA, FBI, and BATF carry guns, employees of OSHA, EPA, Fish and Wildlife, and many other agencies enforcing regulations do so as well. The notion of total homeland security being provided by a heavily armed Department of Homeland Security was foreign to America up until just recently. Today, whether it’s riots in our cities or chaos after a national disaster like a hurricane, the Feds are there taking charge over all local officials and property owners, . It shouldn’t surprise us that our local police departments have become an arm of a runaway federal police mentality that mimics an army.

The Founders did not even want a standing army. They wanted only a militia. Today we endure, at the expense of our liberties, a national police force armed like an invading military force. We are destined to see a continued escalation of violence in our cities as the internal conflicts grow. Instead of the police quelling the violence, they unfortunately have become part of it.

It’s evident we have a national police force harassing the people and failing to protect liberty and property. It fails to quell riots while. Too often it incites them. We are also stuck with a huge “standing” army, marching around the world and engaged to some degree in over 150 countries, “making the world safe for democracy” and serving as a private police force for American corporations overseas.

Read the rest of Ron Paul's analysis and predictions for 2015 here.

Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

Zehn Jahre Hartz IV – Professor Butterwegge gießt Wasser in den Wein der Jubilare (neopresse)


Zehn Jahre Hartz IV – Professor Butterwegge gießt Wasser in den Wein der Jubilare

Januar 2015. Zehn Jahre Hartz IV in Deutschland. Christoph Butterwegge empfindet alles andere  als Feierlust.
Professor Dr. Christoph Butterwegge kam Ende vergangenen Jahres nach Dortmund. Der Stadt seiner Geburt. Er leitet den Lehr- und Forschungsbereich an der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultät – Politikwissenschaft der Universität zu Köln. Butterwegge ist Mitglied der Forschungsstelle für interkulturelle Studien (FiSt).

An der Auslandsgesellschaft NRW in Dortmund referierte Butterwegge zum Thema „10 Jahre Hartz IV – Eine andere Republik“.

Großes Interesse
Der Große Saal im dritten Stock der Auslandsgesellschaft war prall gefüllt. Die Auslandsgesellschaft befindet sich in Sichtweite des Nordausgangs der Dortmunder Hauptbahnhofes. Und auf der anderen Seite der Blick – wie passend: auf den  lokalen Ableger der Arbeitsagentur.

Christoph Butterwegges jüngstes Buch trägt den Titel  „Hartz IV und die Folgen. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Republik“. Der Hintergrund: Am 1. Januar 2015 ist der zehnte Jahrestag der Einführung von Hartz IV. Bis jetzt allerdings höre man bis dato wenig davon. Butterwegge hat das anders eingeschätzt. Schließlich war beim zehnten Jubliäum der Agenda 2010 – im  Jahr 2013 –  ja noch „ein Mordsbohei“ wegen deren vermeintlichen Erfolgs gemacht worden.
Ein Beispiel, das nachdenklich macht
Damals, 14. März 2013, sei er früh morgens nach Berlin geflogen, um bei der Bundespressekonferenz ein „bisschen Wasser in den Wein der Jubilare zu gießen“. Als er damals von einem 74-Jährigen mit einem Taxi zum Flugplatz gefahen worden sei, habe dieser  ihm von seiner Rente in Höhe von 1200 Euro erzählt. Dieser Mann fiele aus jeder Armutsstatistik heraus. Der Mann müsse  750 Euro für Miete und Nebenkosten für seine Kölner Wohnung bezahlen. Von 450 Euro könne er nicht leben. Niedrige Rente, erinnert Butterwegge, sei auch ein Ergebnis der damaligen „Reformen“. Der Professor spricht von einem geplanten „Sinkflug der Rente“. Gemeint ist das Absenken des Rentenniveaus (im Rahmen der Riester-Reform): „Perspektivisch von 53 Prozent vor Steuern. Auf 43 Prozent vor Steuern im Jahre 2030.“

Damals habe er gedacht, „Mensch, was macht der Mann, wenn er 84 ist?!“ Oder mit Vierundneunzig: „Da kann er nicht mehr Taxi fahren!“ Und die Kosten für Pflege und medizinische Verpflegung würden ja dann höher liegen.

Ein bisschen mehr Wasser in den Wein gießen
Nun habe Butterwegge gehört, dass der US-amerikanische Arbeitsminister in Deutschland bei Angela Merkel und Andrea Nahles gewesen sei, um sich zu erkundigen, wie man das „German Jobwunder“ [sic!] nachahmen könne. Nun werde wohl wieder gefeiert. Dr. Butterwegge: „Nie wird mehr gelogen wie bei Jubiläen.“

Kürzlich habe Franz-Jürgen Weise, der Vorstand der deutschen Bundesagentur für Arbeit, „der Oberhartzer sozusagen“ (Butterwegge), das Programm des Förderns und Forderns als das beste Programm bezeichnet, dass man je hatte.

Christoph Butterwegge hat sein Buch vor allem deshalb geschrieben, um die Kritik an Hartz IV zu artikulieren, „um da wieder ein bisschen mehr Wasser in den Wein zu gießen, als mir das vor Jahren gelungen ist“.

Hartz IV und die Wurzeln in der Weimarer Republik
In seinem Buch setzt  Christoph Butterwegge bei der Entstehungsvorgeschichte der rot-grünen Hartz-IV-Gesetze an. Etwa hundert Jahre zurückschauend. Vieles von dem, was diese Gesetze gebracht hätten, sei bereits in der frühen Weimarer Republik aufgetaucht. Das Schröder-Fischer-Werk beinhalte ja nicht nur das Arbeitslosengeld II, sondern auch die 1-Euro-Jobs.

Die hätten ihren Vorläufer in der Produktiven Erwerbslosenfürsorge, die zu Beginn der 1920er Jahre auf den Weg gebracht wurden. Schon damals sei dahinter der Gedanke gestanden,  Transferleistungen  nur gegen  produktive Gegenleistungen  der Arbeitslosen zu zahlen. Sie sollten – wie es eben dann später zu Zeiten von Rot-Grün hieß: nicht vermeintlich  „in der sozialen Hängematte liegen“, sondern etwas für die Transferleistungen tun.
Hartz IV sei ja vom ehemaligen Bundeskanzler Schröder, erinnerte Butterwegge, mit der in der Bildzeitung wiedergegebenen Äußerung angefangen worden, die da lautete: „Es gibt kein Recht auf Faulheit.“

Genau diese Einstellung habe man vor 100 Jahren gegenüber Langzeitarbeitslosen gehabt. „Im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik.
Die Gegenleistungen der Arbeitslosen  sollten schon damals im öffentlichen Interesse liegen. Und zu hoch entlohnt sollten sie auch nicht  sein. Eine Mehraufwandsentschädigung wurde eingeführt. Butterwegge: „Das ist sozusagen die Geburt der 1-Euro-Jobs, die es erst seit Hartz IV gibt, gewesen. Sie nannte sich Produktive Erwerbslosenfürsorge.

Die umfangreichen Hartz-IV-Konstrukte (nach dem Ex-VW-Manager Peter Hartz benannt) beinhalteten vielfach ein, wie es Dr. Butterwegge bezeichnete,  „Manager-Denglisch“, sowie einer Menge  von Abkürzungen. Wie z.B. PSA: Personal Service Agency. Er verglich das mit ähnlichen Auswüchsen bei der  Deutschen  Bahn. Da stünde dann etwa „Counter geschlossen“. Ein irrwitziges Wortgemisch. Immerhin verstünde man: geschlossen. Butterwegge kenne das von der Uni. Auch dort  vollziehe sich ein fragwürdiger Prozess (Ökonomisierung, Kommerzialisierung, sehr stark leistungsorientiert). Einschließlich von „Reformen“. Etwa hieß die von ihm geleitete  Fakultät 1998 noch „Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät“, heute „Humanwissenschaften“. Das höre sich intelligenter an, klinge wohl nicht so nach „doofen Lehrern“.

Wo, versuchte Christoph Butterwegge für sein Buch  herauszufinden, hatte all das seine Vorläufer?

Zweimal Hartz
Kurioserweise hat es in der Weimarer Republik schon einen Hartz gegeben! Butterwegge beleuchtet das näher und überschreibt das Kapitel mit „Hartz in Weimar – Ein historisches Lehrstück“. Es handelt sich bei Peter Hartz‘ Namensvetter um den Reichstagsabgeordneten Gustav Hartz. Der war in der Deutschnationalen Volkspartei (DNVP). Der Partei, die mit Hitler verbündet, Hitler in den Sattel geholfen hat. Medial maßgeblich unterstützt  von DNVP-Führer, Rüstungsunternehmer und Medienzar Alfred Hugenberg. Christoph Butterwegge: „Wenn man so will, einem Berlusconi seiner Zeit.“ Hugenberg wurde erster Wirtschaftsminister unter Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler.

Dazu: In seinem Werk “Irrwege der deutschen Sozialpolitik und der Weg zur sozialen Freiheit” präsentierte Gustav Hartz bereits 1928 die Idee, Arbeitslosengeld und Sozialhilfe zusammenzulegen. Erst 77 Jahre später (2005) wurde diese Idee durch die nach seinem Namensvetter Peter Hartz benannten Hartz-IV-Reformen verwirklicht.

Ummodeln eines Hugenberg-Slogans
Und aufgemerkt: Von Hugenberg stammt der Satz von 1932: „Sozial ist wer Arbeit schafft“. Diesen Slogan, erinnert Butterwegge, hat dann die  Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM, dazu: hier) in „Sozial ist, was Arbeit schafft“ umgemodelt.

Butterwegge nennt das „eine moderne Sklavenhaltergesellschaft“. Denn dahinter stecke die Überlegung: Jede Arbeit ist besser als keine. „Ein Sklavenhalter, der seine Arbeiter mit der Peitsche ins Bergwerk jagt, ist demnach sozial. Weil er Arbeit geschaffen hat.“ Gedankengut, so der Referent, das aus dem Vorfeld der Nazizeit stamme.

Noch einmal zurück zur Produktiven Erwwerbslosenfürsorge: Der Ex-Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Wolfgang Clement, habe unter Schröder damals gedacht, „wenn der Arbeitslose nicht zuhause sitzt mit den  Transferleistungen, die er vom Staat bekommt und Däumchen dreht … oder ganz begeistert ist, dass er länger schlafen kann als der Nachbar, der hart malocht und früh aufstehen muss, Chips frisst und Bier trinkt, mit dem Trainingsanzug an“ – die gängigen Vorurteile von Teilen der Bevölkerung eben: Die leben von unseren Steuergeldern. „Die Vorstellung war jetzt: Wenn man die dran kriegt und sie müssen unabhängig von ihrer Qualifikation auch minderwertige Arbeiten annehmen, dann lassen die das bleiben, verzichten auf die Transferleistungen. Und für den Staat wird es billiger.“ Das steckte schon hinter der Einführung der Produktiven Erwerbslosenfürsorge. Und das habe auch u.a. hinter Hartz IV gesteckt, stellt Butterwegge fest.

Alles sollte billiger werden
Clement dachte: jetzt wird alles billiger. „Doch es wurde alles teurer!“ So sei es bereits in der Weimarer Republik gewesen. Jugendliche nämlich, die im Haushalt ihrer Eltern gelebt hatten, gründeten nun selbst Haushalte. Man steuerte  gegen: Jugendliche unter 25 Jahren wurde quasi ein Verbot erteilt  aus dem Elternhaushalt auszuziehen. Die Bedarfsgemeinschaften kamen dabei heraus. Wer mit einem „Hartzer“ lebt,  wird sozusagen in Mithaftung  genommen. Schnüffelei wurde Tür und Tor geöffnet. Sozialdetektive suchen nach Spuren eines Partners. In den Betten. Oder halten Ausschau nach einer weiteren Zahnbürste. Damit bei „Ermittlungserfolgen“ Leistungen gestrichen werden können.

„Kurios, in der Tat“, nennt Christoph Butterwegge die Namensgleichheit Hartz/Hartz, sowie betreffs der Übereinstimmung des Gedankenguts, das hinter den  „Reformen“ steht. Da schrieb Gustav Hartz 1928 ein Buch „Irrweg der deutschen Sozialpolitik und der Weg zur sozialen Freiheit“. Interessant: „Er bezeichnet die Arbeitslosen bereits als Kunden. Allerdings noch in Gänsefüßchen.“

Butterwegge: „Ich finde es paradox! Wenn jemand in ein Jobcenter oder zur Arbeitsagentur geht, der kommt doch nicht mit Geld, um was zu kaufen. Der kommt doch dahin, weil er kein Geld hat! Und weil der Arbeit braucht. – Ein wahnsinnige Begriffsverwirrung, Verklärung und Übertünchung! Derjenige, der vom Jobcenter drangsaliert wird, wird als Kunde bezeichnet!“ In Wirklichkeit würden sie „wie lästige Bittsteller behandelt“.

Schon Gustav Hartz spreche ständig von „Reformen“. Offenbar, vermutet Butterwegge, dessen Lieblingswort. Auch sei bei ihm von „Selbsthilfe“ die Rede. Die „Reformer“ Peter Hartz, Gerhard Schröder und Wolfgang Clement hätten dann in ähnlichem Sinne von  „Privatinitiative“, „Eigenverantwortung“ und „Selbstvorsorge“ gesprochen. Butterwegge: „Für mich alles würdige Unworte des Jahres, weil sie kaschieren, dass sich im Grunde der Staat und die Gesellschaft aus ihrer Verantwortung für die Langzeitarbeitslosen und auch für andere, Geringverdiener, zurückgezogen haben.“

Vom Rheinischen zum schweinischen Kapitalismus
Eigentlich müsse das Arbeitslosengeld II (ALG II) Sozialhilfe II genannt werden, findet der Professor. Denn das bekommen ja nicht nur Arbeitslose. Etwa 1,3 Millionen Menschen, so (verharmlosend) genannte „Aufstocker“ bezögen ja ALG II, seien aber gar nicht arbeitslos. Sie bekommen einen so geringen Lohn, dass der hinten und vorn nicht reiche.

„Der Staat hat mit 75 Milliarden Euro subventioniert, dass in Deutschland zunehmend im Niedriglohnbereich prekäre Löhne gezahlt werden können.“

Er spreche betreffs dessen den Medien gegenüber gern etwas plakativer: „Vom Übergang vom Rheinischen zum schweinischen Kapitalismus“. Was natürlich im Wortsinne besonders gut auf die Praxis in der Fleischwirtschaft passe. Wo etwa Rumänen und Bulgaren, die sich  abschätzig auch noch als „Armutsflüchtlinge“ bezeichnen lassen  müssten, zu Hungerlöhnen zum Stundenlohn von zwei oder drei Euro beschäftigt worden sind. „Hartz IV wird benutzt, um den Niedriglohnsektor im Gange zu halten.“

Hartz IV sei in seiner Wirkung auch ein „Aktivierungsregime“. Der Hauptzweck von Hartz IV sei aber nach Butterwegges Dafürhalten, Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer, Belegschaften, Betriebsräte und Gewerkschaften stärker unter Druck zu setzen. Zu akzeptieren, dass eben schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen und niedrigere Löhne zur Normalität geworden sind. So spreche man von „Prekarisierung“, der „Generation Praktikum“, Minijobs wurden auf den Weg gebracht und die Leiharbeit ausgeweitet.

Dieses ganze Gesetzeskonglomerat bestehe aus hunderten von Gesetzesseiten. Hartz IV sei ein Gesetzespaket, ein „Artikelgesetz“. Die einzelnen Artikel seien dann wiederum einzelne Gesetze. All das sei so komplex angelegt, dass die Jobcenter am Anfang gar nicht damit zurechtkamen. Es habe Chaos geherrscht. Wohl zum Teil gewollt. Besonders perfide: Selbst in diesen Jobcentern  arbeiten Menschen mit Befristung! Also Leute, die selbst unter dem Damoklesschwert ALG I bzw. Hartz IV stünden. Was man allerdings jetzt ändern wolle.

Christoph Butterwegge: „Die Arbeitslosenhilfe wurde schlicht und ergreifend abgeschafft!“
Um den durch Hartz IV eingeleiteten Paradigmenwechsel auch für die jüngeren Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer zu veranschaulichen, griff Professor Butterwegge auf seine eigene Lebensbiografie zurück. Er hatte als Sohn einer alleinerziehenden Mutter auf das Gymnasium gehen und anschließend Sozialwissenschaften studieren können. Dann, so erzählt er, ist er  jedoch „mehrere Jahre arbeitslos“gewesen. Damals, 1970, gab es kaum Arbeitslose. „Man ging zum Arbeitsamt“. Die hatten keine Stelle. Er musste Arbeitslosenhilfe beantragen. „Noch nie gearbeitet.“ Fiktiv auf der Grundlage von BAT 2A wurde errechnet, was er als z. B. als Mitarbeiter an einer Uni verdient hätte. „Fiktiv bekam man 53, beziehungsweise 57 Prozent, wenn man Kinder hatte.“ Davon könnten heutige Uni-Mitarbeiter nur träumen, stellt Buttwegge fest. „Das wurde damals einem Arbeitslosen damals gezahlt!“

Gerhard Schröder (mit dem Butterwegge übrigens einst bei den Jungsozialisten zusammenarbeitete) habe gesagt: Hartz IV, das machen wir, um Arbeitslosenhilfe und Sozialhilfe zusammenzulegen. Das sei doch alles einfacher. Butterwegge  sagt heute: „Nein, dass ist eine ideologische Formulierung. Da wurde nichts zusammengelegt. Null. Die Arbeitslosenhilfe wurde schlicht und ergreifend abgeschafft!“

Mit Hartz IV „wurde 2005 für Millionen von Menschen, diese den Lebensstandart sichernde Lohnersatzleistung abgeschafft. Und an Stelle dieser Arbeitslosenhilfe wurde das ALG II eingeführt.“

„Wenn der Sozialstaat demontiert wird, ist das auch eine Gefahr für die Demokratie“
Zurück zu Gustav Hartz: Der habe seinerzeit vorgeschlagen Sparkassen einzuführen. Da sollten Arbeitnehmer einzahlen. Für die Rente. „Heute würde man sagen, Kapital gedeckt.“ Ein Pflichtsparen sollte das sein.

All das trug u.a. einst dazu dabei, dass vor dem Hintergrund von über 6 Millionen Arbeitslosen, schließlich die Nazis an die Macht kommen konnten. Allerdings, so Professor Butterwegge, wolle er diese Situation von damals mit der heute nicht gleichsetzen. Dennoch sieht er  eine Parallele: „Wenn der Sozialstaat demontiert wird, ist das auch eine Gefahr für die Demokratie.“

Hartz IV – ein Gesetz der Angst
Schröders Vorgänger als Bundeskanzler, Helmut Kohl, sowie CDU/CSU und FDP hätten mehrere Anläufe gemacht, die Arbeitslosenhilfe“ abzuschaffen. Zumindest was die „originäre Arbeitslosenhilfe“ anbelangt, sei das zum Ende der Kohl-Regierung auch gelungen. Dass die „Anschlussarbeitslosenhilfe“ abgeschafft wurde, habe aber von der SPD (Oskar Lafontaine geschickt über den Bundesrat) verhindert werden können.. Als jedoch 1998 Schröder und Lafontaine, der eine als Kanzler, der andere als SPD-Vorsitzender und Finanzminister an die Regierung gelangten, „ist es dann einer der ersten Werke, die die rot-grüne Koalition sich vornimmt“. Und schließlich durchsetzt.

Man habe als SPD letztlich damals viele Wählerinnen und Wähler und Parteimitglieder – darunter Christoph Butterwegge selbst – und vieles mehr verloren. Weil die Partei das gesunde Gerechtigkeitsempfinden – ursprüngliches Markenzeichen, neben dem Einsatz für die Arbeiterschaft, der SPD – verletzt habe. Mit Hartz IV habe man „ein Gesetz der Angst“ gemacht.

Daraus wiederum „ist eine Gesellschaft der Angst entstanden.“ Nicht nur habe sich bis in die Mittelschicht die Armut ausgebreitet. Auch ein Niedriglohnsektor mit 24,3 Prozent der Beschäftigten“  sei möglich gemacht geworden. Der größte Niedriglohnsektor nach den USA übrigens!

Einfluss der Bertelsmann-Stiftung
Schlimm obendrein, so Butterwegge: „Das Hartz-IV-Gesetz ist nicht etwa im zuständigen Arbeits- und Sozialministerium entwickelt worden, wie man annehmen könnte. Sondern die Bertelsmann-Stiftung hatte einen Arbeitskreis gegründet. Eng zusammenwirkend mit bestimmten Ministerialbeamten aus dem Arbeits- und Sozialministerium.“ Auch in der Weimarer Republik habe es solche Kommissionen bereits  einmal gegeben.

Zur Bekämpfung der Arbeislosigkeit muss man „die wahren Ursachen kennen“
Wenn man die Arbeitslosigkeit bekämpfen will, gab Professor Butterwegge zu bedenken, muss man „die wahren Ursachen kennen“.

Die Hartz-Kommission stellte jedoch fest: Die Vermittlung der Arbeitslosen sei zu träge. Und: Wir müssen die Arbeitslosen aktivieren. Man nahm wohl an, die bemühten sich nicht, lägen „auf der faulen Haut“.

Butterwegge dazu: „Das Problem der Massenarbeitslosigkeit ist ein strukturelles.“ Der moderne Finanzmarktkapitalismus hätte in seinen Strukturen analysiert werden müssen. Der sei offensichtlich nicht in der Lage Vollbeschäftigung zu schaffen.

Beweise für ein Erfolg von Hartz IV existieren nicht
Im Übrigen existierten keine Beweise, dass wir heute ohne Hartz IV, wie der Chef der Agentur für Arbeit, Weise, behauptet, 800.000 Arbeitslose mehr hätten.

Christoph Butterwegge: „Ich behaupte jetzt einfach mal, durch Hartz IV ist die Kinderarmut gestiegen. Was ich nicht beweisen kann.“ Dennoch sei Fakt: die Kinderarmut ist erheblich gestiegen.
Dass die Zahl der Arbeitslosen gesunken ist, sei durch „statistische Taschenspielertricks“ bewerkstelligt worden.

Fazit: „Hartz IV hat eher die sozialen Probleme verschärft. Und vor allen Dingen hat Hartz IV dazu beigetragen, dass wir uns auf einen Weg in eine andere Republik befinden. Nicht nur, weil die Hartz-IV-Betroffenen immer weniger zu Wahlen gehen.

Auch Schaden für die Demokratie
Christoph Butterwegge: Wir brauchen ein breites gesellschaftliches Bündnis, damit diesen “Reformen” endlich ein Ende bereitet wird.

Hartz IV und Agenda 2010 habe nicht nur zur Demontage des Sozialstaates beigetragen, sondern, dass ist  Butterwegges Befürchtung, auch ein Schaden an der Demokratie angerichtet.“ Weshalb auch ein nicht von Hartz IV Betroffener Grund genug habe  sich gegen Hartz IV einzusetzen.

Wer ein guter Demokrat ist, müsse sich sich dagegen wenden, dass sich das Land nicht nur sozial spaltet, sondern auch politisch. Letztlich entscheiden diejenigen, die reich, die einflussreich seien darüber,  wohin sich unser Land entwickelt. Und nicht mehr die große Mehrheit.

Ein Grund, dieses Jubiläum nicht zu feiern, sondern den Finger in die Wunde zu legen und diese Politik kritisch zu begleiten. Und zwar  in einem breiten Bündnis mit  Gewerkschaften, Kirchen, Wohlfahrtsverbänden und aus den Reihen von Globalisierungskritikern, wie es Aktivisten von  Attac sind,  Druck auf die etablierten Parteien auszuüben, damit diese Reformpolitik ein Ende findet.“

Das Buch: Hartz IV und die Folgen – Auf dem Weg in eine andere Republik?


Freitag, 2. Januar 2015

Activist Post: History Lesson: America Is the Same Oligarchy It Was over a Century Ago #news

Activist Post: History Lesson: America Is the Same Oligarchy It Was over a Century Ago #news

History Lesson: America Is the Same Oligarchy It Was over a Century Ago

Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

Activist Post

When Americans see charts like this one
which illustrate that virtually all the food on grocery store shelves
basically comes from no more than 10 megacompanies, or hear statements like this one
from our own Attorney General Eric Holder who told the Senate
Judiciary Committee that some banks are just too big to prosecute, or
check out studies like this one out of Princeton which openly declare we are not a democracy but an oligarchy … it’s kinda hard to believe we aren’t an oligarchy (because we are).

Come on, even our Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen (you know, the
lady that runs the place that prints our money and sells it to us with
interest) has basically admitted it.

But are things really getting worse these days or is this just par for
the course — the same course we’ve been on for over a century now?

Tinkering around in an old bookstore in a small Texas
town, we came across a set of old books on democracy; we got the first
seven volumes of a set entitled, The March of Democracy: A History of the United States written by James Truslow Adams — the guy who coined the term “The American Dream” — for a mere $20.


The first book’s copyright is 1932. The last book ends in 1958.

Fascinating stuff…

For example, in volume four America and World Power
the book discusses how “Gradually and quite naturally, there grew up
the belief in a great conspiracy on the part of the very rich to ruin
the poor.”

Read this and tell me — does any of it sound even the least bit familiar to you?

Most strikingly in the public eye were
the great Titans of the new business era, the coal and meat “barons”
and the copper, railway, steel, and other “kings,” men of the type of
the elder J.P. Morgan, of James J. Hill, William H. Vanderbilt,
Carnegie, Frick, William H. Clark, and Rockefeller. Such men had certain
broad traits in common, differ as they might from each other as
individuals. They were men of wide economic but intensely narrow social
vision, and of colossal driving power and iron wills. They could lay
their economic plans with imperial vision in time and space, but for the
effect of their acts on society they cared nothing whatever. They
claimed the right to rule the economic destinies of the people in any
way that would enure their own personal advantage. Illogically, they
insisted upon the theory of laissez-faire for all except
themselves, while they demanded and received every favor they wished in
the way of special privileges from the government, as in the tariff and
the silver purchase Act. The whole machinery of government must be at
their disposal when desired — legislation, court decisions, and Federal
troops. They combined their business units into “trusts” and
combinations of almost unlimited power, yet they insisted on “freedom of
contract” when dealing with labor, whose organization in any form they
almost wholly refused to sanction.
hey never taught you any of that back in school, did they?

That was written, by the way, in 1940; the author was discussing how America was run back in the late 1800s.

Not only is the emphasis on Democracy a distortion of the fact the nation was founded as a Constitutional Republic, where rights are preserved rather than subjected to the whims of the majority, but these passages demonstrate the familiar snow job surrounding the all-but-official banker’s oligarchy that has ruled this country and many others for some time.

In fact, in volume five, The Record of 1933–1941, Adams records the death of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., as the end of the era of this great wealth — never to occur again.

On May 23, John D. Rockefeller, Sr.,
died at the age of 97. Owner at one time of the largest fortune in the
world, his lifespan had covered the entire history of American business
from before the Civil War… Nearly $350,000,000 are handled by three of
the Rockefeller Foundations for education, medical research and other
uses. Whatever may be thought as to the methods of accumulating the
beginnings of the fortune in a period of different business ethics and
social outlook, no other man through his financial gifts has ever so
widely benefitted mankind. With our income and inheritance taxes no
other such fortune will ever again be accumulated, and his death marked
the end of an era in American history.

And so that’s the end of the story, kids…

Everything ended happily ever after.

Well, not quite.

Despite appearances, the shift on the part of the Rockefellers and
other Robber Barons of the day from outright monopoly to “philanthropic”
“non-profit” charity work was not an end to the dominance by the
super-rich of the early 2oth Century, but an intensification of their
undue influence. The taxation of the wealthy as well as the anti-trust
actions of the day, which included busting up megacorpses like Standard
Oil and AT&T, were perhaps well meaning but fundamentally failed to
rein in the disparity of power.

Instead, new tax laws, in reality, acted to restrict new wealth from
reaching the heights of the oligarchy, allowing “the elite” to keep
their own, and initiate new members as desired. The tax-free status of
many institutions – including the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace and the Ford Foundation – allowed the
incredibly wealthy to a) shield their fortunes from taxation, b) appear
to do good works and boost public opinion of their principle members
while c) influencing, writing and developing official public policy
through the steering mechanisms of its own tax-free grant making, think
tank and research powers. Much social engineering has taken place –
with far too little public notice – through these bodies. Additionally,
d) many of its directors and board members were in “respectable”
positions to shift into official government positions through the
revolving door without appearing to be acting on behalf of their
corporate masters.

The Reece Committee Hearings, conducted in 1953,
attempted to probe the role of tax-free foundations in public life and
uncovered many outrageous and conspiratorial actions taking place,
including very apparent agendas advancing a one-world
corporate-dominated government. However, it did not succeed in a general
public understanding of what was taking place, nor did it rein in
their powers.

 Yesterday, the markets in gold, silver, oil, steel and other
commodities were successfully cornered by the Rothschilds and other top
bankers. Under Wall Street direction, and through the powers of the
then newly-created Federal Reserve, these titans were able to
officially dominate nearly all the important areas of public life,
including great expansions in consumer spending and government agency
powers. The icons of this magnificent and terrible wealth were John D.
Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, E.H. Harriman, Cornelius
Vanderbilt and a handful of others. Today, those icons of wealth are
the likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Larry Ellison,
the Koch Brothers, Michael Bloomberg, Steve Jobs (now deceased), the
Walton family descendants of Wal-Mart and, again, a handful of others
who are largely known for their role in the age of computers, the
Internet, telecommunications and electronic devices.

The real wealth, from older robber barons accumulated in land,
resources, banking and investment and commodities are still there, but
remain under reported on the Forbes’ list of the world’s richest,
instead ruling largely from the shadows and influential but secretive
groups such as Bilderberg.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the Gates-Buffett led billionaires’ “giving pledge” are keeping in stride with the groundwork laid and continued by the Rockefeller Foundation
and Ford Foundation. Heavily funded initiatives to push vaccines,
birth control, population control, Western-oriented “education,” GMO
and corporate-dominated agriculture and the like remain some of the
most consequential and troubling policies done in the name of “good” by
tax-free entities wielding enormous, nearly incalculable wealth and

In short, the myth of “democracy” and freedom in the United States –
the beacon around the world – perpetuates, despite a few blemishes. But
in reality, the Oligarchy took hold some time ago, has not let up and
perhaps never will.

Let that sink in, kids. Take a good look, and let it all sink in.

And don’t forget to read Charlotte Iserbyt’s revealing and TRUE work, loaded with documents and footnotes, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

It helps to explain why you don’t know this stuff, why the reins of
power have been stolen from us, and why things are not soon going to get

Unfortunately, the late comedic genius George Carlin was all-too-right when he explained the owners of America and why the education system is broken:
And like Carlin said of James Truslow Adams’ American Dream,
The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it. 
Aaron and Melissa created TruthstreamMedia.com, where this first appeared, as an outlet to examine the news, place it in a broader context, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of illusions, grasp the underlying factors, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, so that one day we might truly be free...