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Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2014

Activist Post: Another Foreign News Outlet Links U.S. Bio-Warfare Labs to Ebola Outbreak #news

Activist Post: Another Foreign News Outlet Links U.S. Bio-Warfare Labs to Ebola Outbreak #news

Another Foreign News Outlet Links U.S. Bio-Warfare Labs to Ebola Outbreak

Melissa Melton
Activist Post

Russian news outlet Ria Novosti recently featured an interview with Professor Francis Boyle, University of Illinois College of Law, implicating the United States military-industrial complex in the current Ebola outbreak which the World Health Organization claims has now taken over 4,000 lives in West Africa.

Via Ria Novosti :

“US government agencies have a long history of carrying out allegedly defensive biological warfare research at labs in Liberia and Sierra Leone. This includes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is now the point agency for managing the Ebola spill-over into the US,” Prof. Francis Boyle said. 
“Why has the Obama administration dispatched troops to Liberia when they have no training to provide medical treatment to dying Africans? How did Zaire/Ebola get to West Africa from about 3,500km away from where it was first identified in 1976?”


“Why is the CDC not better-prepared for this emergency after the US government spent about $70 billion since the anthrax attacks of October 2001 to prepare for this exact contingency?” Boyle said.

Great question…how exactly did the Ebola virus get to West Africa from 3,500 km away where it was first discovered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

Why isn’t anyone else asking that question? That question should be asked by every talking head on every mainstream media outlet on repeat 500 times a day every day until it is answered. Of course, predictably, none of the Western establishment media puppets are asking any of the tough questions about Ebola.

Questions like what happens if a mosquito bites an infected person, then flies off and bites someone else. Can Ebola spread then? Bill Gates certainly seemed to think so when he was funding research into
mosquitoes as vaccine deployment systems .
Aside from that, billions of dollars have been poured into the CDC over the years. Mac Slavo of SHTFPlan.com recently asked similar questions to those of Professor Boyle after CDC Head Dr. Thomas Frieden claimed that it was a protocol breach which led to the first ever diagnosis of Ebola caught within the U.S. in the case of the Dallas Hospital nurse who reportedly tested positive after caring for Patient Zero Thomas Duncan.

Duncan’s nurse somehow contracted the deadly virus despite reportedly wearing all the requisite protective gear. In response, Director Frieden claimed it was a breach in protocol, despite Frieden’s nearly continuous reassurances in the media leading up to the diagnosis that there was “rigorous protocol” in place to stop the disease both before and after Duncan brought it here.

Quite obviously the CDC’s “rigorous protocol” has utterly failed. Now Frieden, a man who
contradicted himself live on CNN as to how the virus is even spread, has once again changed his tune, responding that, “We have to rethink the way we address Ebola infection control.”

Four decades and billions of dollars later and now the CDC has to rethink the whole darn thing, huh?

“The 2014 budget for the Centers for Disease Control is $6.6 billion,” Slavo wrote . “What, exactly, have these people been doing since Ebola was first discovered nearly 40 years ago? You’d think for $6.6 billion a year we’d have already thought through the infection control protocols.”

Yes. You would. (Unless, of course, the government is being intentionally evasive or dishonest about the way in which Ebola is spread…)

Back when Duncan first brought the virus with him to the U.S. from Liberia, Dr. Frieden repeatedly told the media almost on loop that he was “confident” that officials could stop Ebola from that point on, even claiming,
“We will stop it in its tracks.”

The CDC has yet to specify exactly what specific protocol was supposedly breached in the case of Duncan’s nurse, but the virus has definitely not been stopped in its tracks. The alternative media is reporting the truth: that
most U.S. hospitals are ill-equipped to safely handle Ebola patients and stop the virus from spreading.

Even though the CDC and the National Institutes of Health have both gone on record to say that any American hospital should be able to adequately and safely handle a deadly disease like Ebola, Duncan was the only patient not treated at one of the nation’s hospitals with specialized units specifically designed for dealing with such a highly infectious disease, and he is the only one out of six patients treated for Ebola here who has died thus far.

Then again, the entire government response to Ebola in America has been like watching a bad scary movie from the start.

Ria Novosti isn’t the first foreign news outlet to openly implicate the U.S. government in the 2014 West African Ebola outbreak, either. Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry, recently wrote the article, “
Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD? Scientists Allege ,” in which he made the following five points out the outbreak:
1. Ebola is a genetically modified organism (GMO)
2. Ebola has a terrible history, and testing has been secretly taking place in Africa
3. Sites around Africa, and in West Africa, have over the years been set up for testing emerging diseases, especially Ebola
4. The need for legal action to obtain redress for damages incurred due to the perpetuation of injustice in the death, injury and trauma imposed on Liberians and other Africans by the Ebola and other disease agents
5. African leaders and African countries need to take the lead in defending babies, children, African women, African men, and the elderly. These citizens do not deserve to be used as guinea pigs!
When Western media outlets responded to this article and its points, they largely attempted to portray the people of these nations as woefully ignorant, but as Broderick himself points out, “African people are not ignorant and gullible, as is being implicated.” I’ve written before about how large swaths of the West African population have believed and still believe this Ebola outbreak is a government conspiracy .

Perhaps that’s why such a massive 24/7 propaganda campaign has been launched there to inundate the population with the message first and foremost that, indeed,
Ebola is real.

Then again, you won’t hear about any of this in the mainstream press over here.

Melissa Melton is a co-founder of TruthstreamMedia.com, where this first appeared. She is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist with a passion for liberty and a dedication to truth. Her aim is to expose the New World Order for what it is — a prison for the human soul from which we must break free.
Read more at http://www.activistpost.com/2014/10/another-foreign-news-outlet-links-us.html#MtwOvCHty50SXbpT.99

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